Time, Speed and Distance Maths Quiz for Every Competitive Exams GS Team published here most important Time, Speed and Distance Maths Questions and Answers in english for Every competitive exams like SBI, RRB, Railway, Police, Clerk, Bank IBPS and more. These questions and answers will be helpful for crack all competitive exams.
Time, Speed and Distance Aptitute Questions and Answers (Quiz) for Competitive Exams
Question 1. A bus takes 1 hour 20 minutes to go from A to a place B if the speed of the bus is 42 Km. If hourly, what will be the distance between the places A and B?
1. 42 Km
2. 63 Km
3. 40 Km
4. 56 Km
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 56 Km[/su_spoiler]
Question 2. A completes a journey in 50 minutes. If he wants to reduce the time by 20%, then he has to cover the same distance in how much time?
1. 55 minutes
2. 40 minutes
3. 60 minutes
4. 10 minutes
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 40 minutes[/su_spoiler]
Question 3. Dinesh covers a distance in 60 minutes at a speed of 60 Km/hr. To reduce his time by 10%, how much time will he have to cover the same distance?
1. 66 Km/hr
2. 66 2/3 Km/hr
3. 60 Km/hr
4. 70 Km/hr
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 66 2/3 Km/hr[/su_spoiler]
Question 4. How far does a rail have to travel to cross a pole?
1. Rail Length
2. Length of platform
3. Length of the pillar
4. None
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Rail Length[/su_spoiler]
Question 5. How long will a 80 meter long metro with a speed of 120 Km/hr cross a pole?
1. 2 seconds
2. 2 2/5 Seconds
3. 1 second
4. 3 seconds
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 2 2/5 seconds[/su_spoiler]
Question 6. If a railway has to cross a platform, how much distance does it have to travel?
1. Rail Length + Platform Length
2. Rail Length – Platform Length
3. Rail length x Platform length
4. Length of rail / length of platform
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Rail Length + Platform Length[/su_spoiler]
Question 7. A 100m Long rail crosses a bridge in 25 seconds at a speed of 72 Km/hr. The length of the bridge will be –
1. 200 m
2. 400 m
3. 300m
4. 440 m
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 400 m.[/su_spoiler]
Question 8. 160 m. Long trains run at a speed of 60 Km/hr. At how much time will this train cross a person traveling in the same direction at a speed of 10 Km/hr?
1. 11 seconds
2. 10.25 seconds
3. 11.52 seconds
4. 10.08 seconds
[su_spoiler title = “see answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 11.52 seconds[/su_spoiler]
Question 9. If the speed of a boat is x Km/hr in still water and the speed of the stream is y Km/hr, what will be the speed of the stream and the speed of the stream?
1. (y – x) Km/hr, (x + y) Km/hr
2. (y + x) Km/hr, (x – y) Km/hr
3. x Km/hr, y Km/hr
4. (x – y) Km/hr, (x + y) Km/hr
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: (x – y) Km/hr, (x + y) Km/hr[/su_spoiler]
Question 10. A swimmer covers a distance of 36 Km in 6 hours and a 40 km distance in opposite direction in 8 hours. What will be its movement in calm water?
1. 4.5 Km/hr
2. 5.5 Km/hr
3. 6 Km/hr
4. 6.5 Km/hr
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 6.5 Km/hr[/su_spoiler]
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