Quantitative Aptitude: Number system, Simplifications, Roots & Averages, Surds & Indices, Percentages, Profit & Loss, Ratio& Proportion, Partner ship, Chain rule, Time & work
Pipes & Cisterns, Time & Distances, Problems on trains, Boats & streams, Allegation & mixtures, Simple Interest, Compound interest, Stocks & Shares
Clocks & algorithms, Mensuration, Volume& surface area, permutations & combinations, heights& distances
Data Integration: Line-graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, Tabulation
Reasoning Ability: Verbal reasoning: Analogy, Coding & decoding, Blood relations, Sitting arrangements, Series completion, syllogisms, Decision making, Statement reasoning
Non-verbal reasoning: Analogy, Series completion, Classification
General English: Vocabulary, synonyms, .Antonyms, Word formation, Sentence completion
Comprehension: Theme detection, Deriving conclusions, Passage completion, Error detection, Passage correction, Sentence correction
Spelling: Grammar, Idioms, Phrases
General Awareness: Knowledge of current events, Sports, history, geography, culture, Indian constitutions, News about technology and researches, News on India and its neighboring countries
Marketing Aptitude: Economy, banking and finance
Computer Awareness: Computer hardware, operating system concepts, Shortcut keys, MS word, excel, MS power point, access, internet & networks, Basic security concepts, Latest technologies
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