S.No | Famous Companies and Organisations Founder List |
1 | Abbott Laboratories – founded by Dr. Wallace Calvin Abbott in 1888 (North Chicago, Illinois, USA) |
2 | Adidas founded by Adolf “Adi” Dassler in 1924 (Herzogenaurach, Germany) |
3 | Amazon.com founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 (Seattle, Washington, USA) |
4 | American Express founded by Henry Wells (Wells & Company), William Fargo (Livingston, Fargo & Company), and John Warren Butterfield (Wells, Butterfield & Company) in 1850 (Albany, New York, USA) |
5 | Apple Inc. – Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in April 1, 1976 (Cupertino, California, USA) |
6 | Avon Products founded by David H. McConnell in 1886 (New York City, New York, USA) |
7 | BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke or Bavarian Motor Works) founded by Franz Josef Popp in 1916 (Munich, Germany) |
8 | Canon founded by by Takeshi Mitarai, Goro Yoshida, Saburo Uchida and Takeo Maeda in 1937 (Tokyo, Japan) |
9 | Carlsberg founded by J.C. (Jacob Christian) Jacobsen in 1847 (Copenhagen, Denmark) |
10 | Cisco Systems, Inc. founded by Len Bosack, Sandy Lerner and Richard Troiano in 1984 (San Francisco, USA) |
11 | Colgate-Palmolive founded by William Colgate in 1806 (New York City USA) |
12 | Comcast – Ralph J. Roberts, Daniel Aaron and Julian A. Brodsky in 1963 (Tupelo, Mississippi, USA) |
13 | Dell founded by Michael Dell in November 4, 1984 (Austin, Texas, USA) |
14 | Deutsche Bank –by Adelbert Delbrück and a number of private bankers in 1870 (Berlin Germany) |
15 | eBay Inc. founded by Pierre Morad Omidyar in September 3, 1995 (San Jose, California, USA) |
16 | Ericsson founded by Lars Magnus Ericsson in 1876 (Stockholm, Sweden) |
17 | Facebook founded by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes in 2004 (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) |
18 | FedEx founded by Frederick W. Smith in 1971 (Little Rock, Arkansas) |
19 | Ford Motor Company founded by Henry Ford in June 16, 1903 ( Detroit, Michigan, USA) |
20 | General Electric– founded by Charles Coffin, Edwin Houston, Elihu Thomson, and Thomas Edison in 1892 (Schenectady, New York, USA) |
21 | Google Inc. founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page in September 4, 1998 (Menlo Park, California, USA) |
22 | HP (Hewlett-Packard) Company founded by Bill Hewlett and David Packard in 1939 (Palo Alto, California, USA) |
23 | HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) founded by Sir Thomas Sutherland in 1865 (Hongkong and Shanghai, China) |
24 | Hyundai Motor Company founded by Hyundai Motor Company in December 29, 1967 (Seoul, South Korea) |
25 | IBM (International Business Machines) founded by Thomas J. Watson in June 16, 1911 (Endicott, New York, USA) |
26 | Intel Corporation founded by Gordon E. Moore, Robert Noyce and Arthur Rock in 1968 (Mountain View, California, USA) |
27 | Johnson & Johnson founded by Robert Wood Johnson I, James Wood Johnson, and Edward Mead Johnson in 1886 (New Brunswick, NJ, USA) |
28 | LG Corp founded by Koo In-Hwoi in 1947 (Seoul, South Korea) |
29 | L’Oréal founded by Eugène Schueller in 1909 (France) |
30 | McDonald’s founded by Richard and Maurice McDonald (McDonald’s restaurant concept) in May 15, 1940 in San Bernardino, California; and Ray Kroc (McDonald’s Corporation founder) in April 15, 1955 (Des Plaines, Illinois) |
31 | Microsoft founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in April 4, 1975 (Albuquerque, New Mexico) |
32 | Mitsubishi founded by Yataro Iwasaki in 1870 (Japan) |
33 | Morgan Stanley founded by Henry S. Morgan and Harold Stanley in 1935 (Wall Street, New York City, USA) |
34 | News Corporation founded by Rupert Murdoch in 1979 (Adelaide, Australia) |
35 | Nestlé – by Henri Nestlé in 1866 (Vevey, Switzerland) |
36 | Nike founded by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight in 1964 (Santa Monica, California, USA) |
37 | Nintendo founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi in September 23, 1889 (Kyoto, Japan) |
38 | Nissan Motor – Masujiro Hashimoto, Kenjiro Den, Rokuro Aoyama, Meitaro Takeuchi and Yoshisuke Aikawa in December 26, 1933 (Japa |
39 | Nokia founded by Fredrik Idestam and Leo Mechelin in 1865 (Tampere, Finland) |
40 | Oracle Corporation founded by Larry Ellison,Bob Miner, Ed Oates in 1977 (California, USA) |
41 | PepsiCo, Inc. founded by Donald M. Kendall, President /CEO of Pepsi-Cola and Herman W. Lay, Chairman/CEO of Frito-Lay in 1986 (North Carolina, USA) |
42 | Philips –by Gerard Philips and Frederik Philips in 1891 (Eindhoven, Netherlands) |
43 | Porsche founded by Ferdinand Porsche in 1931 (Germany) |
44 | Procter & Gamble founded by William Procter and James Gamble, in 1837 (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) |
45 | Pfizer founded by cousins Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart in 1849 (Brooklyn, New York, USA) |
46 | Samsung – by Lee Byung-chull in 1938 (Daegu South Korea) |
47 | SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing)- Dietmar Hopp, Hans-Werner Hector, Hasso Plattner, Klaus Tschira, Claus Wellenreuther in 1972 (Weinheim, Germany) |
48 | Siemens founded by Werner von Siemens in 1847 (Berlin Germany) |
49 | Sony founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita May 7, 1946 (Tokyo, Japan) |
50 | Suzuki Motor Corporation founded by Michio Maruti Suzuki in 1909 (Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan) |
51 | Sharp Corporation founded by Tokuji Hayakawa in 1912 (Tokyo, Japan) |
52 | Starbucks founded by Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker and Zev Siegl in March 30, 1971 (Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington, USA) |
53 | Tata Group – Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata in 1868 (Mumbai, India) |
54 | The Boeing Company founded by William E. Boeing in 1916 (Seattle, Washington, USA) |
55 | The Coca-Cola Company founded by John Pemberton and Asa Candler in 1892 (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) |
56 | The Walt Disney Company founded by Walt and Roy Disney in October 16, 1923 (Los Angeles, California, USA) |
57 | Toshiba Corporation – Hisashige Tanaka, Ichisuke Fujioka and Shoichi Miyoshi in 1939 (Tokyo, Japan) |
58 | Unilever – by Antonius Johannes Jurgens, Samuel van den Bergh and William Hulme Lever, 2nd Viscount Leverhulme in (London, United Kingdom,Rotterdam, The Netherlands) |
59 | United Parcel Service (UPS) – Jim Casey and Claude Ryan in 1907 (Seattle, Washington, USA) |
60 | Walmart – by Sam Walton in 1962 (Arkansas, USA) |
61 | Yahoo! founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in March 1, 1995 (Santa Clara, California, USA) |
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