Computer GK Questions and Answers Set-11:- We are published here Computer General Knowledge Part-11 quiz, you can get very important knowledge in Computer GK Set-11 . These Computer GK Questions will prove to be helpful for you in the upcoming competitive exams.
Set-11 Computer Gk Quiz for Competitive Examination
Q1. The _________ is used by the user to give instructions to the computer.
A. Input Device
B. Output Device
C. Control Unit
D. Arithmec & Logic Unit
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: A. Input Device [/su_spoiler]
Q2. Which of the following is not a File System?
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: D- LCD[/su_spoiler]
Q3. In MS Word, how many margins are on a page?
A. Two (header and footer)
B. Four (top, boom, right, le)
C. Two (landscape and Portrait)
D. Two (top and boom)
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B – Four (top, boom,right, le)[/su_spoiler]
Q4. What kind of Font would you use for displaying the 2 in 10 2?
A. Italic
B. Small
C. Superscript
D. Subscript
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – Superscript[/su_spoiler]
Q5. What defines a transaction of buying or selling online?
A. Online transaction processing (OLTP)
B. Ecommerce
C. Commercial Networking
D. None of the above
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B – Ecommerce[/su_spoiler]
Q6. ____________ is an input device.
A. Pendrive
B. Scanner
C. Printer
D. Ploer
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B – Scanner[/su_spoiler]
Q7. Which among the following is not a mobile Operating System?
A. Bada
B. Safari
C. Symbian
D. MeeGo
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B – Safari is a web browser[/su_spoiler]
Q8. Which among the following key can be used as a shortcut to rename a folder in Microsoft Windows 8 and higher versions?
A. F2
B. F4
C. F6
D. F9
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: A – F2 is a shortcut to rename selected object in MS windows 8 and higher versions.[/su_spoiler]
Q9. AT and T designed its first commercial modem, specifically for converting digital computer data to analog signals for transmission across its long distance network. What is the name of the modem?
A. Telex
B. Memex
C. CompuServe
D. Dataphone
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: D – In 1960’s AT&T introduces its Dataphone, the first commercial modem. The first commercial modem made for converting digital computer data at analog signals for transmission across long distance networks.[/su_spoiler]
Q10. Integrated Chips or IC’s were started to be in use from which generation of Computers?
A. 1st Generation
B. 2nd Generation
C. 3rd Generation
D. 4th Generation
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – IC were started to be in use from 3rd generation of computers. In third generation of computer, IC (Integrated circuits) was used as the electronic component for computers. The development of IC gave birth to a new field of microelectronics. The main advantage of IC is not only its small size but its superior performance and reliability than the previous circuits. It was first developed by T.S Kilby. This generation of computer has huge storage capacity and higher calculating speed.[/su_spoiler]
Q11. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to select entire column in MS EXCEL?
A. Shift + Spacebar
B. Ctrl + Spacebar
C. Alt + Spacebar
D. Both 1 and 2
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Ctrl + Spacebar[/su_spoiler]