Computer GK Questions and Answers Set-14:- We are published here Computer General Knowledge Part-14 quiz, you can get very important knowledge in Computer GK Set-14 . These Computer GK Questions will prove to be helpful for you in the upcoming competitive exams.
Set-14 Computer Gk Quiz for Competitive Examination
Q1. Which of the following is a block device
A. mouse
B. printer
C. terminals
D. disk
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: disk[/su_spoiler]
Q2. Which of the following software types is used to simplify using system software
A. Spreadsheet
B. Operating environment
C. Timesharing
D. Multitasking
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Timesharing[/su_spoiler]
Q3. Which of the following condition is used to transmit two packets over a medium at the same
A. Contention
B. Collision
C. Synchronous
D. Asynchronous
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Collision[/su_spoiler]
Q4. A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further subdivided into
A. clusters
B. sectors
C. vectors
D. heads
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: sectors[/su_spoiler]
Q5. Grouping and processing all of a firm’s transactions at one time is called……………
A. a database management system
B. batch processing
C. a real-time system
D. an on-line system
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: batch processing[/su_spoiler]
Q6. A file organization component of a VSAM file is
A. relative record data set
B. keyed sequential data set
C. entry sequential data set
D. All of the above
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: All of the above[/su_spoiler]
Q7. What can greatly reduce TCP/IP configuration problem?
A. WINS Server
B. WINS Proxy
C. DHCP Server
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: DHCP Server[/su_spoiler]
Q8. Frames from one LAN can be transmitted to another LAN via the device
A. Router
B. Bridge
C. Repeater
D. Modem
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Bridge[/su_spoiler]
Q9. SMTP is responsible For what?
A. sending e-mail
B. Creating mail
C. web page creation
D. network sharing
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: sending e-mail[/su_spoiler]
Q10. The __________ key and the ___________ key can be used in combination with other keys to perform shortcuts and special tasks.
A. Control, Alt
B. Delete, Insert
C. Function, Toggle
D. Caps Lock, Num Lock
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Control, Alt[/su_spoiler]
Q11. In Excel, how many worksheets are present in a workbook by default?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – 3[/su_spoiler]