SET 19 – Computer Questions and Answers

Computer GK Questions and Answers Set-19:- We are published here Computer General Knowledge Part-19 quiz, you can get very important knowledge in Computer GK Set-19 . These Computer GK Questions will prove to be helpful for you in the upcoming competitive exams.

Set-19 Computer Gk Quiz for Competitive Examination

Q1. The main electronic component used in first generation computers was
A. Transistors
B. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
C. Integrated Circuits
D. None of above
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Vacuum Tubes and Valves[/su_spoiler]

Q2. A dumb terminal has
A. an embedded microprocessor
B. extensive memory
C. independent processing capability
D. a keyboard and screen
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: a keyboard and screen[/su_spoiler]

Q3. One millisecond is
A. 1 second
B. 10th of a seconds
C. 1000th of a seconds
D. 10000th of a seconds
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: 1000th of a seconds[/su_spoiler]

Q4. The output quality of a printer is measured by
A. Dot per sq. inch
B. Dot per inch
C. Dots printed per unit time
D. All of the above
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Dot per inch[/su_spoiler]

Q5. Which of the following was a special purpose computer?
D. All of the above
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: ABC[/su_spoiler]

Q6. What was the computer invented by Attanasoff and Clifford?
A. Mark I
C. Z3
D. None of above
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: ABC[/su_spoiler]

Q7. Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?
A. Floppy Disk
B. Hard Disk
C. Compact Disk
D. Magneto Optic Disk
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Hard Disk[/su_spoiler]

Q8. Which computer was considered the first electronic computer until 1973 when court invalidated the patent?
C. Z3
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: ENIAC[/su_spoiler]

Q9. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as
A. Path
B. Address bus
C. Route
D. All of the above
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Address bus[/su_spoiler]

Q10. High density double sided floppy disks could store _____ of data
A. 1.40 MB
B. 1.44 GB
C. 1.40 GB
D. 1.44 MB
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: 1.44 MB[/su_spoiler]

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