20 August 2021 Current Affairs in English

20th August 2021 – Daily Current Affairs Questions and Answers

GS Team published here 20 August 2021 Current Affairs Quiz. These will be helpful for the upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, Clerk, PO exams. These current affairs make daily analysis and related india, World, Technology, and all govt news.

20th August 2021- GK Quiz for SSC and Bank Exams

Which of these rating companies has upgraded the credit outlook of the Indian industry to positive?

  • world bank
  • NITI Aayog
  • Answer:- CRISIL – CRISIL Rating Company has recently upgraded the credit outlook of the Indian industry to positive. Which is currently a broad-based recovery for the Indian industry, whereas earlier the credit outlook of the Indian industry was “cautiously optimistic”.

    The number of people admitted to the hospital under Ayushman Bharat Mission has crossed how many Crores so far?

  • 2 Crore
  • 3 Crore
  • 5 Crore
  • 8 Crore
  • Answer:- 2 Crore – Under the Ayushman Bharat Mission, the number of people admitted to the hospital so far has crossed 2 Crores. Whereas in this more than 10.74 Crore vulnerable families of more than 53 Crore beneficiaries have been included. This scheme was launched in September 2018.

    Which day is celebrated around the world on 20th August?

  • World Elephant Day
  • World Earth Day
  • World Mosquito Day
  • World Fly Day
  • Answer:- World Mosquito Day – World Mosquito Day is celebrated across the world on 20 August. This day is celebrated in the memory of British physician, Sir Ronald Ross. In the year 1897, Sir Ronald Ross discovered that “the female mosquito is responsible for the transmission of malaria to humans”.

    Which day is celebrated all over India on 20th August?

  • Renewable Energy Day
  • Science Day
  • Knowledge Day
  • Victory Day
  • Answer:- Renewable Energy Day – On August 20, Renewable Energy Day is celebrated all over India. This day is celebrated to mark the importance of renewable energy resources in India. The day was started in the year 2004 to support renewable energy development programs and promote its use instead of conventional sources of energy.

    Recently who has issued a medical alert on fake Kovidshield vaccines in India?

  • World Science Organization
  • World Health Organization
  • World Knowledge Organization
  • Answer:- World Health Organization – The World Health Organization has recently issued a medical alert on counterfeit Kovidshield vaccines in India, India is reporting the prevalence of fake vials of the Kovid-19 vaccine, which is known as Oxford- Developed by AstraZeneca while Serum is manufactured by Institute of India.

    Which of the following country has recently issued new draft rules on anti-competitive practices by Internet companies?

  • England
  • China
  • Australia
  • Africa
  • Answer:- China – China has recently issued new draft rules on anti-competitive practices by Internet companies. In which the new rules will prevent Internet companies from engaging in anti-competitive practices. It is an extension of the country’s efforts to rein in the technology sector.

    The Union Cabinet has approved the MoU signed between India and which country for cooperation in the field of Geology?

  • Japan
  • China
  • England
  • United States
  • Answer:- United States – The Union Cabinet has approved the Memorandum of Understanding signed between India and the United States of America for cooperation in the field of Geology. Under this, the geological knowledge related to the deltaic rocks of the Eastern Himalayan region and Ladakh will be promoted.

    The Union Cabinet has approved the MoU between India and which country on cooperation in the field of Disaster Management, Sustainability and Mitigation?

  • China
  • Japan
  • Bangladesh
  • America
  • Answer:- Bangladesh – The Union Cabinet has recently approved the MoU between India and Bangladesh on Cooperation in the field of Disaster Management, Sustainability and Mitigation. Under this agreement, efforts will be made to establish a system whereby India and Bangladesh; Both countries will benefit from each other’s disaster management system.

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