Daily Current Affairs Quiz on 10th February 2021 for Competitive Exams
GS Team published here 10 February 2021 Current Affairs Quiz. These will be helpful for the upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, Clerk, PO exams. These current affairs make daily analysis and related india, World, Technology, and all govt news. If you have a question about, please reach out to us through a comments.
10th February – GK Quiz for SSC and Bank Exams
Which position has the Indian School of Business achieved in the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2021 list?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 23rd – Indian School of Business ranked 23rd in the top 100 list worldwide in the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2021 list have achieved. In the ongoing list, 4 more institutes of India (IIM Bangalore, IIM Kolkata, IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Indore) have made a place.[/su_spoiler]
Which place has India reached in the list of countries applying the most corona vaccine?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Third – India has moved to the third position in the list of third – most corona vaccine countries, while the US and UK are first and second. Is on According to the Union Ministry of Health, so far 58,03,617 people have been prescribed Kovid vaccine in India.[/su_spoiler]
The Union Government has recently restored 4G internet service in which union territory after 18 months?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Jammu and Kashmir – Central Government has recently restored 4G internet service in Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory after 18 months. . Internet service was stopped in Jammu and Kashmir since Article 370 was removed from 5 August 2019.[/su_spoiler]
The war exercise between India and the United States has recently been held at the Mahajan Field Firing Range of which Indian state?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Rajasthan – Recently the war exercise between India and US has been organized at Mahajan Field Firing Range in Bikaner, Rajasthan. Will run until 21 February. The aim of this combat exercise is to increase interoperability and cooperation between the two armies.[/su_spoiler]
Nigerian economist Ngozi Okonjo-Iwela has been recently elected as the next Director General of which organization?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: World Trade Organization – Nigerian economist Ngozi Okonjo-Iwela has recently been elected as the next Director General of the World Trade Organization. She will be the first woman to be elected to the post as well as the first African to replace Okonjo-Iwila, former finance minister of Nigeria, Roberto Azevedo.[/su_spoiler]
Which of these state government has announced a 16-digit unique code to prevent fraud on the land?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Government of Uttar Pradesh – Government of Uttar Pradesh recently announced a 16-digit unique code to prevent fraud on land. Has In Uttar Pradesh, the revenue department will be issued a unique ID number by marking agriculture, residential and commercial land.[/su_spoiler]
MoU has been signed between IISC and Joint Advanced Technology Program?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: DRDO – JATP-Center of Excellence (JATP-COE) on campus of IISc to expand the scope and purpose of Joint Advanced Technology Program ), An MoU has been signed between the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) for the construction of the project.[/su_spoiler]
Indian sportsman Akhtar Ali has died recently related to which of the following sports?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Tennis – Indian player Akhtar Ali has recently passed away at the age of 81 related to tennis. He represented India at the international level as a tennis player from 1958 to 1964. He was also awarded the highest sports award of Bengal by the Government of West Bengal in the year 2015.[/su_spoiler]
How old is Rajiv Kapoor, the younger brother of Rishi Kapoor and Randhir Kapoor, recently died?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 58 years – Rajeev Kapoor, younger brother of Rishi Kapoor and Randhir Kapoor died recently due to heart attack at the age of 58. It is done. Rajiv Kapoor made his debut with the film Ek Jaan Hain Hum released in 1983, but he got recognition from the film Ram Teri Ganga Maili released in 1985.[/su_spoiler]
Which of the following country has recently announced to set up a new platform to monitor emissions of polluting industries?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: China – China has recently announced a new platform to track emissions of polluting industries. Which will allow the public to track the emissions of such enterprises as well as help in prosecuting the industries that break the rules.[/su_spoiler]
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