Daily Current Affairs Quiz on 7th February 2021 for Competitive Exams
GS Team published here 7 February 2021 Current Affairs Quiz. These will be helpful for the upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, Clerk, PO exams. These current affairs make daily analysis and related india, World, Technology, and all govt news. If you have a question about, please reach out to us through a comments.
7th February – GK Quiz for SSC and Bank Exams
Hollywood veteran Oscar winning actor Christopher Plummer has passed away recently at how old?
- 51 years
- 63 years
- 75 years
- 91 years
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 91 years – Hollywood veteran Oscar winning actor Christopher Plummer was recently beheaded at the age of 91 Has died due to injury. Christopher Plummer is known for his brilliant acting in the critically acclaimed film The Sound of Music. He has received one Oscar, two Tony and two Emmy Awards.[/su_spoiler]
Which place did India rank in the Innovation Index 2021 released by Bloomberg?
- 30th place
- 40th place
- 50th place
- 60th place
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 50th place – India is ranked 50th in the Innovation Index 2021 in the world in terms of new discoveries released by Bloomberg. In this list, South Korea has been the first place. Germany has moved up to fourth place in the new index. Asian countries have topped this index 7 times published since 9 years.[/su_spoiler]
Recently how many inche of scientists have discovered the world’s smallest chameleon?
- 1 inche
- 2 inches
- 3 inches
- 4 inches
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 1 inche – Recently scientists have discovered the world’s smallest chameleon of 1 inche. It has become the world’s smallest reptile. It has been named Nano-Chameleon. So far, 11,500 Reptiles have been found worldwide. This nano-chameleon has been discovered by the team from Germany and Madagascar in the jungle of northern Madagascar.[/su_spoiler]
In which of these universities, the famous historian Professor DN Jha, who was the chairman in the history department, has passed away recently?
- Kolkata University
- Punjab University
- Gujarat University
- Delhi University
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Delhi University – The famous historian Professor DN Jha, who was the chairman of the Department of History at Delhi University, has passed away recently. He had expertise in ancient history and medieval India. He did his BA Honors from the University of Calcutta. After this, he did his MA in History from Patna University.[/su_spoiler]
Which of the following state government has announced the establishment of Indian Skill Institute in Nasmed village?
- Government of Gujarat
- Government of Maharashtra
- Government of Kerala
- Government of Punjab
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Government of Gujarat – The Government of Gujarat has recently announced the setting up of the Indian Institute of Skills in Nasmed village, Gandhinagar. The State Labor and Employment Department will set up this Indian Skill Institute in a non-profit based Public Private Partnership (PPP) format in collaboration with the Tata group.[/su_spoiler]
Recently who approved the proposals for appointment of judges for Allahabad and Calcutta High Court?
- Central Government
- Policy Commission
- Planning Commission
- Mumbai High Court
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Mumbai High Court – Supreme Court Collegium recently appointed 11 and 8 judges for Allahabad High Court and Calcutta High Court. The proposals are approved. This includes the appointment of two judicial officers and one advocate for the Karnataka High Court by the collegium.[/su_spoiler]
Which council has recently demanded the release of President Win Myint, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and other leaders?
- Central Government
- World Bank
- World Health Organization
- United Nations Security Council
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: United Nations Security Council – The UN Security Council recently detained by the military over the military coup in Myanmar, President Win. Myint has demanded the release of State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and other leaders. The Security Council is a 15-member council which is the most powerful organization of this governing body.[/su_spoiler]
The central government has approved the export of how many defense equipment including BrahMos, Tejas, Astra missiles?
- 126 defense devices
- 136 defense devices
- 156 defense devices
- 176 defense devices
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 156 Defense Equipments – Central Government recently introduced Artillery Guns, indigenous Light Combat Aircraft, tanks and missiles, explosives, anti-tank mines. Including 156 defense equipment exports have been approved. So that Indian arms exports to friendly countries can be encouraged. Whereas earlier, India had given its approval for the export of Akash missile.[/su_spoiler]
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