Daily Current Affairs Quiz on 21st March 2021 for Competitive Exams
GS Team published here 21 March 2021 Current Affairs Quiz. These will be helpful for the upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, Clerk, PO exams. These current affairs make daily analysis and related india, World, Technology, and all govt news. If you have a question about, please reach out to us through a comments.
21st March – GK Quiz for SSC and Bank Exams
According to the report released by the United Nations, which place has India ranked among the happiest countries?
- 35th place
- 65th place
- 85th place
- 139th place
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 139th place – According to the report released by the United Nations, India ranked 139th among the most prosperous countries. According to the report released, the most prosperous in the world are Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland and Netherlands. Finland has been ranked first for the fourth consecutive year.[/su_spoiler]
Which state government has announced the closure of passenger bus transport from Maharashtra due to increasing cases of corona?
- Government of Kerala
- Government of Punjab
- Government of Bihar
- Government of Madhya Pradesh
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Government of Madhya Pradesh – Recently Madhya Pradesh Government has announced the closure of passenger bus transport from Maharashtra due to the increasing cases of Corona. . So far, 25,833 people have been infected with Corona in the last 24 hours in Maharashtra.[/su_spoiler]
Which of the following Messenger has recently launched Voice Chats 2.0 feature?
- Facebook Messenger
- Twitter Messenger
- Instagram Messenger
- Telegram Messenger
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Telegram Messenger – Telegram Messenger has recently launched the Voice Chats 2.0 feature. With this help, millions of users will be able to connect for live voice chat on any channel. This feature was launched for Telegram Groups in December 2020.[/su_spoiler]
Which state of India has recently been declared the model state for Van Dhan Vikas Yojana?
- Assam
- West Bengal
- Maharashtra
- Manipur
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Manipur – Manipur state of India has recently been declared the model state for Van Dhan Vikas Yojana. This Van Dhan Vikas Yojana has proved to be a major source of employment for the local tribals living in the state.[/su_spoiler]
Which country and India together have recently launched Artificial Intelligence Initiative?
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: US – India’s Department of Science and Technology has announced that the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum has launched the US India Artificial Intelligence Initiative. Have done. This platform will also enable AI innovation and help in sharing ideas to develop AI workforce.[/su_spoiler]
Which day is celebrated all over the world on 21 March?
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: All – Worldwide International Day of Color on March 21, International Color Day, World Down Syndrome Day, World Down Syndrome Day, World Poetry Day World Poetry Day, World Puppetry Day is celebrated as World Puppetry Day.[/su_spoiler]
Which medal is won by Yashaswini Deswal for India in ISSF Shooting World Cup?
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Gold Medal – Yashaswini Deswal at the ISSF Shooting World Cup in the capital of India in the 10m Air Pistol Womens event of India. Has won the first gold medal. While 18-year-old Divyansh Singh has won the bronze medal in the 10m Air Rifle Men’s.[/su_spoiler]
The World Bank has approved US $ 200 million to help which country?
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Bangladesh – The World Bank has recently approved US $ 200 million to help Bangladesh. This project will help about 2 lakh migrants. This amount will be used to provide assistance and services to the urban youth with income.[/su_spoiler]
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