SET 7 – Geography Questions and Answers

Geography GK Set-7 : – The questions and answers of Geography GK Set-7 below are published (Geography General Knowledge Set-7). All the Geography published in this section, Set-7 Questions and answers will be important and helpful for you in all banking and more examinations like Bank, Railways, SSC and More.etc.

Set 7 – Geography General Knowledge Questions and Answers

Q1. Fujiyama, is the volcano of which country?
1. Japan
2. America
3. Asia
4. Birtish
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Japan[/su_spoiler]

Q2. Where does the world’s highest tide come?
1. Pacific Ocean
2. In the Bay of Bengal
3. In Fundy Bay
4. Arabian Sea
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: in Fundy Bay[/su_spoiler]

Q3. Which volcano is called the lighthouse of the Mediterranean Sea?
1. Ojas del Saladou
2. Awakening
3. Sisley Jwatnamukhi
4. Straboli Volcano
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Straboli Volcano[/su_spoiler]

Q4. In which of these places is the Gulf of Fadi located?
1. In America
2. In Canada
3. In British
4. None of these
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: In Canada[/su_spoiler]

Q5. Where is the Air Bus Volcano located?
1. In the continent of Antarctica
2. In Japan
3. In America
4. In Asia
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: In the continent of Antarctica[/su_spoiler]

Q6. How long does the semi-daily tide ebb?
1. 2 hours 40 minutes
2. 3 hours 26 minutes
3. 2 hours 26 minutes
4. 3 hours
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 2 hours 26 minutes[/su_spoiler]

Q7. On which island is Mout Etna volcano located?
1. On the continent of Antarctica
2. On the island of Sicily
3. On Andaman & Nicobar Island
4. None of these
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: on the island of Sicily[/su_spoiler]

Q8. When does the world’s highest tide come?
1. Full moon day
2. Amavasya day
3. To the dry side
4. Both 1. and 2.
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Both 1. and 2.[/su_spoiler]

Q9. In which country is the Vesuvius volcano located?
1. Asia
2. America
3. Italy
4. Japan
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Italy[/su_spoiler]

Q10. Which is the world’s most volcanic region?
1. Pacific Ocean
2. longitudinal ocean
3. Arabian Sea
4. Indian Ocean
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Pacific Ocean[/su_spoiler]

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