Part 3 – Spotting Errors – Verbal Ability Questions and Answers

Part 3 – General English Grammatical Spotting Errors Detection Questions and Answers

Here GS Team published Verbal Ability Grammatical Spotting Common Errors Detection Questions and Answers for Govt jobs exam preparation like SBI PO, Clerk, Railway, SSC CHSL, CGL, MTS, Banking, and More. These questions can be asked in competitive Exams.

Verbal Ability – Part 3 Grammatical and Spotting Common Error Detection Questions and Answers

Q 1. Find the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error. If there is
no error, select ‘No error’.
“The monsoon have, in the past five days, retreated from most parts of the country.”

  1. No error
  2. The monsoon have
  3. retreated from most parts
  4. in the past five days

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: The monsoon have[/su_spoiler]

Q 2. Find the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error. If there is
no error, select ‘No error’.
“The detective compared the forged signature to the original.”

  1. to the original
  2. The detective compared
  3. No error
  4. the forged signature

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: to the original[/su_spoiler]

Q 3. Find the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error. If there is
no error, select ‘No error’.
“He wouldn’t let anyone to drive his new car.”

  1. No error
  2. his new car
  3. anyone to drive
  4. He wouldn’t let

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: anyone to drive[/su_spoiler]

Q 4. Find the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error. If there is
no error, select ‘No error’.
“Among the reasons cited by the employee for quitting the job were the pressure of
work, the outstation duties and desiring to pursue her hobbies.”

  1. Among the reasons cited by the employee
  2. were the pressure of work, the outstation duties
  3. and desiring to pursue her hobbies
  4. No error

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: and desiring to pursue her hobbies[/su_spoiler]

Q 5. Find the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error. If there is
no error, select ‘No error’.
“If she left now, she would reach the station on time.”

  1. the station on time
  2. she would reach
  3. if she left now
  4. No error

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: No error[/su_spoiler]

Q 6. In this sentence find the segment which contains the grammatical error.
“Her sister lives in Pune, one of the major city in Maharashtra.”

  1. Her sister lives
  2. one of the major city
  3. in Maharashtra
  4. in Pune

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: one of the major city[/su_spoiler]

Q 7. In this sentence find the segment which contains the grammatical error.
“They informed the teacher that all of they family members would be going to

  1. would be going
  2. all of they family members
  3. to Visakhapatnam
  4. They informed the teacher that

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: all of they family members[/su_spoiler]

Q 8. In this sentence find the segment which contains the grammatical error. If the sentence has no error, then select ‘No error’.
“Whom did you give the packet to?”

  1. Whom
  2. did you give
  3. the packet to
  4. No error

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: No error[/su_spoiler]

Q 9. In this sentence find the segment which contains the grammatical error.
“Vini bought two new dresses but either is suitable for the festival.”

  1. but either is
  2. Vini bought
  3. two new dresses
  4. suitable for the festival

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: but either is[/su_spoiler]

Q 10. In this sentence find the segment which contains the grammatical error. If the sentence has no error, then select ‘No error’.
“How many money did Sudhir win in the lottery?”

  1. How many money
  2. No error
  3. in the lottery
  4. did Sudhir win

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: How many money[/su_spoiler]

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