Resignation Letter – Here is we providing Resignation Letter Format, Writing Tips and Useful Steps. With the help of these Resignation Letter format you will know how to write an Resignation Letter with Resignation Letter Samples, Tips and Examples.
Format of Resignation Letter
You should keep the following format of the resignation letter in mind while writing a resignation letter.
Your Contact Information
Your Full Name
Your Residential Address
Name of your city, Zip Code of your State
Contact Number
Email Address
Employer’s Contact Information
Name of the Employer
Title/ Designation
Name of the Organization
Address of the Organisation
Name of the Organization’s city, Zip Code
Dear/ Ms./ Mr. and the Last Name
First Paragraph
Your first paragraph should state that you are resigning from the organization, the reason for the resignation, and the date from when the resignation will be in effect.
Second Paragraph
This section is optional. It should include the opportunities that you are thankful for to your employer.
Final/ Concluding Paragraph
In this paragraph, you will conclude your letter of resignation. This section is also optional. But you can conclude your letter by asking the employer to assist with the resignation formality.
Sincerely Yours/ Respectfully Yours
A handwritten signature
Typed Signature
Format of Resignation Letter Sent Via Email
In case you are sending your resignation letter via email, you should put your contact information next to your signature and not on the top of the letter. You should make sure to write your name along with the word resignation in the subject of the mail. This will make sure that your mail will not be left unopened.
Subject: “Resignation” + Your Name
Dear/ Ms./ Mr. and the Last Name
First Paragraph
Your first paragraph should state that you are resigning from the organization, the reason for the resignation, and the date from when the resignation will be in effect.
Second Paragraph
This section is optional. It should include the opportunities that you are thankful for to your employer.
Final/ Concluding Paragraph
In this paragraph, you will conclude your letter of resignation. This section is also optional. But you can conclude your letter by asking the employer to assist with the resignation formality.
Sincerely Yours/ Respectfully Yours
Your Contact information will be included here
Your Full Name
Your Residential Address
Name of your city, Zip Code of your State
Contact Number
Email Address
Format of Resignation Letter Steps and Tips
Step 1: Break the ice Make sure you put the messages clearly after the salutation.
Step 2: Provide a Tentative Release Date You should provide a tentative date according to your preference when your resignation will be in effect. You should mention your last working day in the letter. And also state the reasons for your resignation.
Step 3: Say Thank You to Your Employer Say thanks to your boss for providing the opportunity.
Step 4: Wrap it Up Conclude your letter nicely in the final paragraph requesting the employer to help you with your resignation process.
Step 5: Final Salutation Use words like “Thanking You”, Yours Sincerely, etc., and write your name under salutation.
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