Part 4 – Idioms Questions and Answers

Part 4 – Underlined Idioms and Meaning of the Given Idioms Questions and Answers

Here GS Team published Verbal Ability – Idioms Questions and Answers online quiz for Govt jobs exam preparation like SBI PO, Clerk, Railway, SSC CHSL, CGL, MTS, Banking, and More. These questions can be asked in competitive Exams.

General English – Part 4 – Underlined Idioms and Meaning of the Given Idioms Quiz

Q 1. Find the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
“Of the first water”

  • of ancient origin
  • of favorable opinion
  • of no significance
  • of the best quality

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: of the best quality[/su_spoiler]

Q 2. Find the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
“To make castles in the air”

  • to accomplish difficult tasks
  • to be very ambitious
  • to create impossible dreams or hopes
  • to show signs of cowardice

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: to create impossible dreams or hopes[/su_spoiler]

Q 3. Find the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
“To blaze a trail”

  • to initiate something new
  • to complete a project
  • to act impulsively
  • to set fire to something

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: to initiate something new[/su_spoiler]

Q 4. Find the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
“A dark horse”

  • a well kept secret
  • an unknown genius
  • a horse of a fine breed
  • an expected outcome

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: an unknown genius[/su_spoiler]

Q 5. Find the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
“To read between the lines”

  • to understand the implied meaning
  • to completely misunderstand the meaning
  • to critically analyse a piece of writing
  • to read with great difficulty

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: to understand the implied meaning[/su_spoiler]

Q 6. Find the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
“Be left in the lurch”

  • be sent to do work which one doesn’t enjoy
  • keep repeating something till it is accepted
  • be tired of doing the same thing over and over again
  • be deserted when one is in trouble

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: be deserted when one is in trouble[/su_spoiler]

Q 7. Find the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the sentence.
“Ria has tried hard not to steal her brother’s thunder but it was inevitable.”

  • get more recognition than her brother for their success
  • get a big reward from her brother for her achievement
  • pick up her brother’s lucky charms to win prizes
  • take away her brother’s opportunities for jobs

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: get more recognition than her brother for their success[/su_spoiler]

Q 8. Find the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
“Go down in flames”

  • crash land an aeroplane
  • fail completely
  • get completely burnt
  • get hit by a burning cracker

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: fail completely[/su_spoiler]

Q 9. Find the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the sentence.
“His family has supported him through thick and thin.”

  • on occasions when he had a lot of money
  • even though he has put on weight
  • when there was a lot of work to be done
  • in times of good and bad fortune

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: in times of good and bad fortune[/su_spoiler]

Q 10. Find the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the sentence.
“It was the last straw; she decided to quit the job when she was blamed without reason.”

  • last straw available for anyone to pick up
  • only one straw was available for drinking the juice
  • final irritant that made the situation unbearable
  • she picked the last option available for her

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: final irritant that made the situation unbearable[/su_spoiler]

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