International Day of Education : Definition, History & Facts and Figures

Education all over the world has been declared as a fundamental right of every person and still, children struggle for basic education. Education not only improves the economy but also helps the citizens to live a prosperous and happy life.

The United Nations in its General Assembly resolution manifested January 24th as International Day of Education. It will be observed every year to enhance the role of education in bringing global peace and development.

What is the History of International Day of Education?

On 3rd December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to observe January 24 every year as International Day of Education. The Introductory International Day of Education was observed on 24th January 2019. UN’s General Assembly ensured to send its message to all the countries of the world and assured the principles of observance are clear to everyone.

International Education Day : Facts and Figures

Going to school and getting educated is the most important human right and today, on January 24, everyone celebrates the United Nation’s International Day of Education.

Admissions in primary schools in developing countries have reached 91%, but staggering 57 million children remain out of school.

Sub-Saharan Africa constitutes more than half of children who have not got admissions to School and are deprived of education facilities.

More than 60% of women amongst the 103 million youth worldwide are still illiterate and steps need to be taken by United Nations and member countries to penetrate to regions where education facilities cease to exist.

International Day of Education: Commemorations around the World

Education is one of the fundamental rights and Organizations like UNESCO undertook the following initiatives as a part of celebrating Education Day:

  • UNESCO commenced the “learning planet festival” to encourage learning in all spheres of life.
  • New Education Policy in India was drafted to promote Primary Education and skill development amongst students.
  • Breakthrough programs like the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable development for Education had been launched.

What is the Objective of Celebrating International Day of Education?

United Nations through its subsidiary UNESCO ensure the following initiatives are carried on the eve of the International Day of Education:

  • The Future of Education Initiative: A Commission has been set up to rethink the role of education, learning and knowledge in a world of increasing complexity, uncertainty, and precarity.
  • Leading the Education 2030 agenda: UNESCO has set up Sustainable Development Goal# 4 to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030.
  • The #Righttoeducation Campaign: This campaign is to ensure there is no discrimination in education. It has been initiated to ensure free and compulsory education, promoting equality of educational opportunity and prohibiting any form of discrimination.
  • Education progress – A data visualization tool: UNESCO keeps monitoring its progress and complements the information provided in Global Education Monitoring Report.
  • UNESCO’S action on Education: UNESCO is ensuring it encloses the educational development from pre-school to higher education and beyond.

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