Here is published kbc-8 questions and answers of episode-16 all kbc-8 episode questions has already asked in kbc 11th September serial.
Kbc Season 8 Questions (Episode-16)
On an average which is the largest tree borne fruit in the world?
[A] Coconut
[B] jackfruit
[C] pumpkin
[D] papaya
Ans. jackfruit
In 2014, which office did Mukul Rohatgi take charge of?
[A] Governor, RBI
[B] National Security Advisor
[C] Attorney General of India
[D] Chief Election Commission
Ans. Attorney General of India
In 2014 who balled the first maiden in the superover of a T20 match?
[A] R Ashwin
[B] Murlidharan
[C] R Jadega
[D] S Naraine
Ans. S Naraine
The first Nobel prize in physics was awarded for the discovery of what?
[A] Laser
[B] transistor
[C] X ray
[D] Vacuum tubes
Ans. X ray
Starting from ground level, arrange these play areas or equipments in order of their heights?
[A] Table tennis
[B] volleyball
[C] basketball
[D] cricket pitch
In the world of legendary lovers which of these is wrongly paired?
[A] laila-majnu
[B] sohni-mahiwal
[C] Shirin-Farhad
[D] Raanjha-Anarkali
Ans. Raanjha-Anarkali
In Hindu texts what are earth, water, air, sky and fire connectively called?
[A] panchamitra
[B] panchatatva
[C] panchajanya
[D] panchatirtha
Ans. panchatatva
The addition of which of these is of maximum value?
[A] four notes of Rs500
[B] twenty notes of Rs100
[C] ten notes of Rs50
[D] three notes of Rs1000
Ans. three notes of Rs1000
Here is kbc-8 questions and answers of Episode-16, all kbc-8 Episode-16 quiz has already asked in kbc-8 episode by Amitabh Bachchan.
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