Here is published kbc-8 questions and answers of episode-8 all kbc-8 episode questions has already asked in kbc 28th august serial.
Kbc Season 8 Questions (Episode-8)
Which of these events or terrestrial bodies normally cannot be seen more than twice in one’s lifetime?
[A] meteor shower
[B] waxing moon
[C] Haley’s comet
[D] sighting of Ursa Major
Ans. Haley’s comet
So far, which of these states or union territories has been ruled by least number of chief ministers?
[A] Chattisgarh
[B] Uttarakhand
[C] Jharkhand
[D] Puduchery
Ans. Chattisgarh
Pullipuram fort, considered to be one of the oldest surviving European monuments in India, built by which colonial power?
[A] Dutch
[B] French
[C] Portuguese
[D] British
Ans. Portuguese
Sir Edmund Hillary served as which county’s high commissioner to India,Bangladesh and Nepal?
[A] United Kingdom
[B] Australia
[C] Canada
[D] New Zealand
Ans. New Zealand
According to the 2011 census which of these states enjoys a literacy rate of over 90%?
[A] Punjab
[B] Mizoram
[C] Tripura
[D] Gujarat
Ans. Mizoram
Starting with the earliest, arrange these women oriented movies in order of their release
[A] Queen
[B] The Dirty Picture
[C] Fashion
[D] Mother India
Which of these is generally eaten with spiced water?
[A] Bhel puri
[B] Raj Kachori
[C] Gol Guppa
[D] Sev puri
Ans. Gol Guppa
What was the real identity of Krissh, the lead character of a series of Hindi super hero films?
[A] Krishna
[B] Kartik
[C] Kripa
[D] Kesav
Ans. Krishna
Here is kbc-8 questions and answers of Episode-8, all kbc-8 Episode-8 quiz has already asked in kbc-8 episode by Amitabh Bachchan.
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