Part 3 – One Word Substitution Questions and Answers

Part 3 – One Word Substitution Questions and Answers

Here GS Team published Verbal Ability – One Word Substitution Questions and Answers online quiz for Govt jobs exam preparation like SBI PO, Clerk, Railway, SSC CHSL, CGL, MTS, Banking, and More. These questions can be asked in competitive Exams.

Part 3 – General English – One Word Substitution Quiz

Q 1. Choose the option which is the most appropriate one word substitution for the given
group of words.
One who is sixty years old

  1. Nonagenarian
  2. Sexagenarian
  3. Octogenarian
  4. Septuagenarian

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Sexagenarian[/su_spoiler]
Q 2. Choose the option which is the most appropriate one word substitution for the given
group of words.
Careful in performing duties

  1. Sincere
  2. Punctual
  3. Obedient
  4. Punctilious

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Punctilious[/su_spoiler]

Q 3. Choose the option which is the most appropriate one word substitution for the given
group of words.
A decision which cannot be taken back

  1. indelible
  2. irrational
  3. irrevocable
  4. infallible

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: irrevocable[/su_spoiler]

Q 4. Choose the option which is the most appropriate one word substitution for the given
group of words.
Statement open to more than one interpretation

  1. ambidextrous
  2. ambushed
  3. ambiguous
  4. ambrosial

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: ambiguous[/su_spoiler]

Q 5. Choose the option which is the most appropriate one word substitution for the given group of words.
That which cannot be seen through

  1. transparent
  2. opaque
  3. impervious
  4. translucent

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: opaque[/su_spoiler]

Q 6. Choose the option which is the most appropriate one word substitution for the given
group of words.
A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored

  1. Godown
  2. Museum
  3. Arsenal
  4. Hangar

[su_spoiler title=”Correct Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: Arsenal[/su_spoiler]

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