Ratio and Proportion Questions and Answers

Ratio and Proportion Maths Quiz for Every Competitive Exams GS Team published here most important Ratio and Proportion Maths Questions and Answers in english for Every competitive exams like SBI, RRB, Railway, Police, Clerk, Bank IBPS and more. These questions and answers will be helpful for crack all competitive exams.

Ratio and Proportion Aptitute Questions and Answers (Quiz) for Competitive Exams

Question 1. 5: 4 = x: 20 So what will be the value of x?
1. 16
2. 5
3. 4
4. 25
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 25[/su_spoiler]

Question 2. Find the third proportional term of 9 and 12.
1. 16
2. 9
3. 10
4. 12
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 16[/su_spoiler]

Question 3. Find the quadratic terms of 6, 7 and 12.
1. 6
2. 7
3. 14
4. 12
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 14[/su_spoiler]

Question 4. If A: B = 3: 4, B: C = 8: 9, C: D = 15: 16 then A: B: C: D will be-
1. 30: 40: 45: 48
2. 40: 30: 45: 48
3. 30: 40: 48: 45
4. None
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 30: 40: 45: 48[/su_spoiler]

Question 5. If the normal mean: geometric mean = 5: 3, then what will be the ratio between the numbers?
1. 1: 9
2. 25: 9
3. 9: 1
4. 3: 5
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 9: 1[/su_spoiler]

Question 6. Divide 275 trophies in A, B and C in such a way that A: B = 3: 7, B: C = 2: 5, how many trophies will B have?
1. 60
2. 70
3. 75
4. 1
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 70[/su_spoiler]

Question 7. Books in the three mines of a cupboard of a library are rakhi in the ratio of 2: 3: 5. If 20 books are increased in each box, then the Anuparaya changes to 4: 5: 7. How many books were in the cupboard originally?
1. 80
2. 140
3. 120
4. 100
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 100[/su_spoiler]

Question 8. If 30% of a number is added to another number then the second number becomes 140%. What will be the ratio between the first and the second number?
1. 4: 03
2. 3: 04
3. 7: 03
4. 7: 04
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 4: 03[/su_spoiler]

Question 9. A, B, C are participants in a business. A 1400 Rs. 1800 for the month with B for 8 months. And C 2100 for four months. Invest if the total profit is Rs 690. If A, B and C are parts?
1. 270, 240, 180
2. 180, 240, 270
3. 240, 270, 180
4. None of these
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 240, 270, 180[/su_spoiler]

Question 10. Richa. Nishi and Priya rented a room for one year at 28800. She stayed together for 4 months and Priya left the room and after 5 months Nishi also left the room. How much will each pay?
1. Rs 16000 , 9000 Rs. , 3800 Rs.
2. Rs 16000 , 8000 Rs. , 4800 Rs.
3. Rs 16400 , 9200 Rs. , 3200 Rs.
4. Rs 16200 , 9400 Rs. , 3200 Rs.
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Rs 16000 , 9000 Rs. , 3800 Rs.[/su_spoiler]

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