Seating Arrangement Reasoning Quiz for Every Competitive Exams GS Team published here most important Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers in english for Every competitive exams like SBI, RRB, Railway, Police, Clerk, Bank IBPS and more. These questions and answers will be helpful for crack all competitive exams.
Seating Arrangement Reasoning Questions and Answers (Quiz) for Competitive Exams
Questions: Study the following information to answer the given questions. A, B, C. D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table facing the center. No two males (or) two females are neighbors to each other. A is wife of H A sits third to the left of E. F sits second to the right of D. D is not an immediate neighbor of A or E. H and C are immediate neighbors of each other. F is not an immediate neighbor of his wife B.
Question 1. Which of the following is true about G?
1. G is male
2. G sits between B and H
3. G is third to the left of E
4. G is second to the right of B.
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: G is second to the right of B.[/su_spoiler]
Question 2. Who sits third to the left of B?
1. F
2. H
3. D
4. A
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: H[/su_spoiler]
Question 3. How many people sit between B and F when counted in the anti-clockwise direction from B?
1 one
2. Give
3. three
4. four
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Two[/su_spoiler]
Question 4. 4 out of the following 5 are alike in a certain way so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1. H
2. F
3. E
4. G
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: G[/su_spoiler]
Question 5. Which of the following groups have only female members of the group?
1. A.B.B
2. G.F.O.
3. C.H.G.
4. None of these
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: None of these[/su_spoiler]
Question: A. M. D, P, R, T, B and H are sitting around a circle in the center. M is third to the left of A, who is second to the left of T. D is second to the right of H, who is second to the right of T. R is second to the right of B, who is not an immediate neighbor of T.
Question 6. Which of the following combinations represents the first and second left of B respectively?
1. MD
2. DH
3. AM
4. None of these
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: None of these[/su_spoiler]
Question 7. Who is on the right side of T?
1. D
2. B
3. H
4. M
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: M[/su_spoiler]
Question 8. Who is to the immediate left of H?
1. P
2. M
3. T
4. R
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: P[/su_spoiler]
Question 9. Who is second to the left of B?
1. D
2. H
3. M
4. None of these
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: M[/su_spoiler]
Question 10. In which of these combinations, the third person is second to the left of the other person.
1. BAR
2. DBR
3. TPH
4. PMH
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: DBR[/su_spoiler]
Q1. There are five different houses, A to E, in a row, A is to the right of B and E is to the left of C and right of A, B is to the right of D. Which of the houses is the middle?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: A – Data is arranged as => D B A E C. So the house in the middle is A.[/su_spoiler]
Q2. A, B, C, D, E, and F are sitting in a row, ‘E’ and ‘F’ are in the centre and ‘A’ and ‘B’ are at the ends. ‘C’ is sitting on the left of ‘A’. Then who is sitting on the right of ‘B’?
A. A.
B. D.
C. E.
D. F
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B – According to the question, sitting arrangement is at follow. BD E/F F/E CA. Clearly, D it sitting on the right of B.[/su_spoiler]
Directions: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are playing cards sitting in a circle.
(i) F is 2nd to the right of G.
(ii) B is neighbour of F but not or E.
(iii) E is neighbour of C, who is 4th to the right of G.
(iv) D is between E and A.
Q3. Who is fourth to the left of G?
A. D
B. E
C. C
D. Cannot be determined
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – Person C is fourth to the left of G[/su_spoiler]
Q4. Who is the left of G?
A. A
B. C
C. B
D. None of these
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: A – Person A is to the left of G.[/su_spoiler]
Q5. Who are the neighbours of F?
A. E and C
B. F and B
C. A and B
D. C and B
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: D – C and B are the neighbours of F.[/su_spoiler]
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