SSC Multitasking (MTS) Syllabus

SSC MTS Exam Syllabus Details – Every year Staff Selection Commission of India government jobs are vacant for the SSC Multitasking (MTS), and a large number of candidates apply for this SSC MTS exam. And only those candidates who have appeared for the examination of the SSC Multitasking come out successful the examination. The exam is held on the basis of SSC MTS Syllabus. Here, we have prepared the SSC Multitasking Exam’s Syllabus to assist the interested candidates of MTS Exams. The syllabus has been taken from the official notification of SSC MTS.

SSC MTS Examination’s Syllabus Information is given below:

The following topics are primary in the SSC Multitasking Exam, on which the questions can be asked.

The MTS exam will be in two parts.


  • General Intelligence & Reasoning
  • Numerical Aptitude
  • General English
  • General Awareness


  • Short Essay/Letter in English or any language

In SSC MTS Paper-I having 100 multiple choice questions.

Paper – I Subject Questions/Marks
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25
Numerical Aptitude 25
General English 25
General Awareness 25
  • Time duration for SSC MTS Paper -1, 1.5 hours (90 Minutes) and 2 hours (120 minutes) for visually handicapped candidate.
  • Negative marks of 0.25 marks in SSC MTS Exam.
  • Questions will be asked for MTS Exam in English & Hindi language for Part-A, B, D.
General Intelligence 
similarities and differences discriminating observation
space visualization relationship concepts
problem solving figure classification
analysisjudgment arithmetical number series
decision making non-verbal series etc
visual memory

English Language:

  1. Basics understanding of English Language
  2. English vocabulary
  3. Grammar
  4. Sentence
  5. Structure
  6. Synonyms
  7. Antonyms and its correct usage, etc.

General Awareness : The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to,

  1. Sports
  2. History
  3. Culture
  4. Geography
  5. Economic scene
  6. General Polity including Indian Constitutionand Scientific Research etc.

SSC MTC Paper-2 Syllabus :-

Subject Questions/Marks Time Duration
Short Essay/Letter writing in English or any language. 50 30 minutes

In Paper-2 the paper of SSC MTS will be set in Hindi and English language or any language included in the indian 8th schedule of Constitution.

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