List of Synonyms and Antonyms of “B” Words

Baffleamaze, confuse, puzzle, rattle, stun, astoundenlighten, explain, clarify
Banboycott, prohibition, restriction, censorship, embargo, suppressionallowance, permission, approval
Bankruptinsolvent, penniless, ruined, destitute, broken, impoverished, solvent, prosperous, wealthysolvent, prosperous, wealthy
Barbarousbrutal, cruel, ferocious, monstrous, ruthless, uncivilizedpolite, refined, sophisticated
Beatbang, bash, batter, cane, castigate, drubaid, assist, help
Beneathbelow, underneath, under, down, unworthy, coveredup, overhead, above
Benevolentbenign, caring, chivalrous, considerate, humane, generousmalevolent, mean, spiteful
Beneficentcharitable, kind, helpful, generous, compassionatemalicious, misanthropic, uncharitable
Betraydeceive, delude, forsake, abandon, break faith, crossdefend, protect, support
Bewilderbaffle, confuse, daze, muddle, mystify, perplexenlighten, illuminate, explain
Biaseddiscriminating, favoring, partial, prejudiced, unfair, unjustfair, impartial, judicious
Bindattach, affix, annex, rivet, secure, appenddetach, break, free
Blandboring, dull, flat, insipid, unexciting, monotonousdelicious, distinctive, sharp
Blendcombine, mix, brew, concoct, fuse, instill, mingleseparate, disintegrate, dissociate
Blockbar, impede, obstruct, choke, clog, congestopen, clear, release
Bloomblossom, flower, flourish, grow, succeed, thriveshrink, fail, wither
Bluntdull, abrupt, curt, gruff, short, brusquepointed, sharp, polite
Boastbrag, praise, crow, exult, vaunt, pratedeprecate, be modest, be quiet
Bothersomeannoying, irksome, troubling, irritating, vexatious, provokingconvenient, helpful, smooth
Boundlessendless, limitless, unlimited, infinite, immeasurable, plentylimited, restricted, less
Briskagile, quick, dynamic, energetic, lively, vigorousslow, sluggish, dull
Bombasticflowery, showy, overblown, rhetorical, grandiloquent, sonoroushumble, restrained, reserved
Broadmindedliberal, progressive, open, tolerant, flexible, radicalorthodox, conservative, narrow-minded
Bulkymassive, big, over-sized, heavy, hefty, hugesmall, thin, tiny
Bullyintimidate, menace, threaten, browbeat, bludgeon, cowsupport, ease, assuage

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