N Word Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Antonyms | Synonyms |
Nab | apprehend, arrest, seize, catch, clutch, grab | release, free, discharge |
Native | congenial, inherited, inborn, indigenous, aboriginal, raw | alien, foreign, outside |
Naughty | mischievous, immodest, indecent, unbecoming, unseemly, untoward | modest, proper, behaved |
Neglect | disregard, ignore, slight, default, fail, omit | honor, respect, regard |
Negligent | derelict, lax, careless, neglectful, remiss, slack | attentive, careful, mindful |
Negligible | inconsiderable, paltry, petty, trifling, slender, slight | significant, major, important |
Nervous | agitated, anxious, concerned, jittery, restive, tense | calm, content, unconcerned |
Nominal | formal, apparent, stated, purported, ostensible, seeming | actual, real, true |
Nurture | cultivate, foster, nourish, nurse, discipline, train | deprive, ignore, neglect |
O Word Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Antonyms | Synonyms |
Obedient | amenable, compliment, conformable, docile, submissive, supple | insolent, mutinous, insolent |
Obese | corpulent, fleshy, gross, portly, overweight, stout | emaciated, underweight, skinny |
Objective | concrete, substantial, equitable, nonpartisan, realistic, unbiased | prejudiced, partial, subjective |
Obsolete | outdated, useless, discarded, archaic, antique, superseded | contemporary, current, modern |
Obstacle | bar, barrier, block, clog, hurdle, hindrance | assistance, clearance, opening |
Obvious | apparent, clear, distinct, visible, plain, evident | ambiguous, obscure, vague |
Offensive | atrocious, disgusting, foul, repellent, sickening, vile | agreeable, pleasing, wonderful |
Omit | drop, eliminate, remove, default, fail, neglect | include, insert, inject |
Opaque | blurred, dusky, foggy, hazy, misty, sooty | lucid, unclouded, transparent |
Opulent | lavish, lush, luxurious, palatial, rich, sumptuous | depressed, destitute, poor |
Ordeal | trail, crucible, affliction, agony, distress, tribulation | happiness, relief, pleasure |
Original | fundamental, prime, authentic, genuine, innovative, initial | derivative, latest, newest |
Orthodox | conventional, recognized, sanctioned, conservative, traditionalist, conformist | heterodox, progressive, radical |
Oscillate | sway, swing, dangle, flicker, seesaw, vacillate | stay, steady, remain |
Oust | bump, dismiss, eject, evict, expel, remove | hold, keep, retain |
Outstanding | noticeable, prominent, remarkable, salient, extraordinary, singular | inferior, ordinary, average |
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