P Word Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Antonyms | Synonyms |
Pacify | appease, assuage, conciliate, mollify, propitiate, soothe | agitate, incite, upset |
Palatial | lavish, luxuriant, opulent, plush, rich, sumptuous | cramped, minor, tiny |
Pardonable | excusable, forgivable, venial, defensible, justifiable, passable | inexpiable, unpardonable, inexcusable |
Partisan | biased, prejudiced, partial, tendentious, prepossessed, one-sided | impartial, unbiased, fair |
Pathetic | pitiable, rueful, deplorable, lamentable, distressing, miserable | cheerful, worthwhile, delightful |
Peerless | matchless, incomparable, singular, unmatched, alone, unequal | inferior, mediocre, subordinate |
Pessimist | defeatist, cynic, doomsayer, killjoy, downer, worrier | optimist, dreamer, hoper |
Pinnacle | acme, apex, crest, crown, peak, summit | base, bottom, nadir |
Potent | mighty, strong, powerful, commanding, dominant, authoritative | fragile, incapable, ineffective |
Precise | categorical, definite, accurate, specific, genteel, puritanical | ambiguous, inexact, false |
Prescribe | decree, dictate, fix, impose, lay down, ordain | dismiss, reject, ban |
Preserve | conserve, save, guard, shield, maintain, sustain | destroy, hurt, ruin |
Prime | superior, splendid, foremost, paramount, premier, original | inferior, secondary, unimportant |
Prodigal | extravagant, lavish, spendthrift, profuse, wasteful, luxuriant | thrifty, stingy, reasonable |
Proficient | adept, crack, masterly, professional, skilled, expert | clumsy, inept, incompetent |
Profuse | luxuriant, exuberant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, lush | lacking, sparse, wanting |
Prohibit | ban, debar, forbid, inhibit, interdict, outlaw | allow, favor, permit |
Prolific | fecund, fertile, fruitful, productive, proliferous, rich | barren, impotent, unproductive |
Prolong | elongate, extend, lengthen, protract, stretch, prolongate | abbreviate, shorten, compress |
Prominent | arresting, marked, outstanding, remarkable, salient, distinguished | inconspicious, unexceptional, inferior |
Prompt | foment, goad, impel, instigate, motivate, pique | depress, halt, dissuade |
Propagate | breed, cultivate, procreate, proliferate, promulgate, spawn | destroy, decline, conceal |
Prescribe | enjoin, debar, taboo, prohibit, inhibit, ban | allow, favor, permit |
Prosperous | booming, flourishing, prospering, thriving, auspicious, propitious | languishing, stunted, losing |
Provisional | interim, temporary, acting, conditional, provisory, tentative | certain, definite, permanent |
Provoke | enrage, incense, aggravate, annoy, nettle | please, soothe, placate |
Proximate | adjacent, close, contiguous, near, imminent, momentary | definite, distant, remote |
Prudent | rational, sage, sapient, sensible, cautious, circumspect | indiscreet, unrealistic, unwise |
Pushy | audacious, brazen, cheeky, insolent, impertinent, sassy | unassuming, modest, quiet |
Puzzling | arcane, cabalistic, cryptic, enigmatic, mysterious, sassy | comprehensible, intelligible, understandable |
Q Word Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Antonyms | Synonyms |
Quack | charlatan, fake, fraud, humbug, impostor, phony | genuine, original, real |
Queer | bizarre, cranky, eccentric, freaky, idiosyncratic, odd | regular, typical, usual |
Quick-witted | alert, clever, intelligent, keen, sharp, smart | slow, stupid, dim |
Quieten | hush, quiet, shush, shut up, silence, still | agitate, excite, ruffle, |
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