U Words of Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Antonyms | Synonyms |
Ugly | hideous, unsightly, horrid, roiled, rugged, cranky | lovely, pleasing, attractive |
Ultimate | underlying, utmost, transcendent, unsurpassable, fundamental, essential | preliminary, trivial, auxiliary |
Undue | exorbitant, excessive, inordinate, improper, inapt, forbidden | moderate, reasonable, sensible |
Unearth | dig, uncover, ferret, excavate, reveal, ascertain | bury, conceal, hide |
Uniformity | analogy, comparison, correspondence, resemblance, harmony, similarity | discord, disagreement, difference |
Unify | coalesce, conjoin, conjugate, consolidate, couple, meld | disjoin, disperse, separate |
Unique | singular, solitary, matchless, peerless, exemplary, unrivaled | commonplace, usual, regular |
Universal | cosmic, global, pandemic, planetary, ubiquitous, generic | confined, local, partial |
Upset | overthrow, topple, derange, unsettle, disarray, disrupt | organize, arrange, ready |
Urge | insist, press, appeal, call, demand, plead | answer, reply, protest |
Urgent | dire, emergent, exigent, importune, insistent, persistent | moderate, unimportant, usual |
Usual | average, common, general, ordinary, typical, wonted | abnormal, atypical, irregular |
V Words of Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Antonyms | Synonyms |
Vacant | empty, void, idle, inane, vacuous, otiose | full, occupied, overflowing |
Vague | inexplicit, nebulous, obscure, bleary, fuzzy, unresolved | certain, define, clear |
Vain | futile, hollow, conceited, goistic, narcissistic, otiose | modest, diffident, useful |
Valiant | courageous, doughty, gallant, heroic, intrepid, mettlesome | cowardly, timid, weak |
Valid | cogent, just, authentic, authoritative, convincing, credible | unsound, unacceptable, invalid |
Valour | courage, fortitude, gallantry, intrepidity, pluckiness, valiance | cowardice, timidity, meekness |
Vanish | disappear, evanesce, evaporate, fade, exit, dematerialize, appear, arrive, come | appear, arrive, come |
Variable | alterable, mutable, capricious, flickle, ticklish, volatile | steady, fixed, constant |
Vast | enormous, giant, immense, heroic, monstrous, walloping | bounded, limited, little |
Versatile | all-round, multifaceted, protean, adaptable, ambidextrous, resourceful | inflexible, limited, nonconforming |
Veteran | xperienced, skilled, seasoned, adept, expert, hardened | amateur, inexperienced, greenhorn |
Vibrant | mettlesome, vivacious, peppery, spirited, resonant, sparkling | colorless, dull, dispirited |
Victimize | bilk, cheat, defraud, gull, mulct, swindle | assist, help |
Vigilant | alert, observant, open-eyed, wakeful, wary, watchful | indiscreet, negligent, inattentive |
Vigour | bounce, spirit, liveliness, verve, vim, energy | lethargy, weakness, enervation |
Violate | breach, contravene, infringe, transgress, flout, ravish | obey, observe, comply |
Visionary | farsighted, chimerical, delusive, illusive, fanciful, notional | practical, real, realistic |
Vital | animate, robust, sturdy, vigorous, fundamental, integral | trivial, insignificant, petty |
Vivid | bright, colorful, flamboyant, graphic, expressive, meaningful | dull, inexpressive, vague |
Voluntary | willing, spontaneous, unforced, uncompensated, deliberate, unintended | obligatory, forced, involuntary |
Vulgar | humble, ignoble, mean, boorish, crass, bawdy | decent, inoffensive, polite |
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