As you know, Vocabulary now a part of every competitive exams like, Banking, SSC, Railway, and More. Now a days Vocabulary should be good for solve to Reading comprehension. So, Today 1 July 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary list of more than 20 Words. It’s help for crack competitive exams and improve English.
1st July 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Words with Hindi Meanings
1. Subsequent (आगामी) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Ensuing, Succeeding
Antonyms: Prior to
Sentence: Everything I do makes me better at each subsequent thing.
2. Discern (समझना) [VERB]
Synonyms: Perceive, pick out
Antonyms: Overlook
Sentence: I could just discern a figure in the darkness.
3. Expedient (लाभकारक) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Advantageous, Convenient
Antonyms: in-expedient
Sentence: A political expedient.
4. Subdued (निराश) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Somber, Low-spirited
Antonyms: Lively
Sentence: It’s a subdued chalk-stripe suit.
5. Belie (खंडन करना) [VERB]
Synonyms: Contradict, Disprove
Antonyms: Reveal
Sentence: His gruff manner belied a gentle personality.
6. Exalt (सराहना करना) [VERB]
Synonyms: Dignify, Glorify
Antonyms: Blame, Condemn
Sentence: Today’s match commentrator Exalt Rohit sharma Batting.
7. Ogle (घूरना) [VERB]
Synonyms: Stare, Gawk
Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect
Sentence: Every girl not like Ogle.
8. Wary (सावधान) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Attentive, Observant
Antonyms: Careless, Unguarded
Sentence: Teachers are often wary of standardized tests.
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