11 June 2021 – The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

Today 11 June 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary list of more than 20 Words. It’s help for crack competitive exams and improve english.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – 11 June 2021

1. Fervent (उत्साही) [ADJECTIVE]

Synonyms: Passionate, Intense

Antonyms: Apathetic, Dull

Sentence: Ram is a fervent Employ of this company.

2. Fitful (चंचल) [ADJECTIVE]

Synonyms: Intermittent, Sporadic

Antonyms: Constant

Sentence: Fitful breathing

3. Flout (अवज्ञा करना) [VERB]

Synonyms: defy, Go Against

Antonyms: Observe

Sentence: In indian many Bikers flout the law by not wearing helmets

4. Equitable (न्यायसंगत) [Adjective]

Synonyms: Fair, Impartial

Antonyms: Unfair, Inequitable

Sentence: An Equitable Tax System

5. Jurisdiction (अधिकार – क्षेत्र) [Noun]

Synonyms: Authority, Administration

Antonyms: Freedom, Exemption

Sentence: School admissions are not under/within our jurisdiction

6. Multilaterally (बहुपक्षीय) [Adjective]

Synonyms: in a way that is involving more than two Parties


Sentence: The need for rules that are agreed multilaterally has never been stronger.

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