Today 11 June 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary list of more than 20 Words. It’s help for crack competitive exams and improve english.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – 11 June 2021
1. Fervent (उत्साही) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Passionate, Intense
Antonyms: Apathetic, Dull
Sentence: Ram is a fervent Employ of this company.
2. Fitful (चंचल) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Intermittent, Sporadic
Antonyms: Constant
Sentence: Fitful breathing
3. Flout (अवज्ञा करना) [VERB]
Synonyms: defy, Go Against
Antonyms: Observe
Sentence: In indian many Bikers flout the law by not wearing helmets
4. Equitable (न्यायसंगत) [Adjective]
Synonyms: Fair, Impartial
Antonyms: Unfair, Inequitable
Sentence: An Equitable Tax System
5. Jurisdiction (अधिकार – क्षेत्र) [Noun]
Synonyms: Authority, Administration
Antonyms: Freedom, Exemption
Sentence: School admissions are not under/within our jurisdiction
6. Multilaterally (बहुपक्षीय) [Adjective]
Synonyms: in a way that is involving more than two Parties
Sentence: The need for rules that are agreed multilaterally has never been stronger.
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