As you know, Vocabulary now a part of every competitive exams like, Banking, SSC, Railway, and More. Now a days Vocabulary should be good for solve to Reading comprehension. So, Today 8 July 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary list of more than 80 Words. It’s help for crack competitive exams and improve English.
8th July 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Words with Hindi Meanings
Embellish (अधिक रोचक बनाना) [VERB]
Synonyms: Elaborate, Exaggerate
Antonyms: Simplify
Sentence: The ceiling was embellished with flowers and leaves.
Desperate (निराशाजनक) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Despairing, Hopeless
Antonyms: Cheerful
Sentence: They are desperate for help.
Setback (स्र्कावट) [NOUN]
Synonyms: Problem, Issue
Antonyms: Breakthrough
Sentence: The mail order group suffered a 18p setback to 366.5p.
Drab (बेरंग) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Colourless, Dull
Antonyms: Bright
Sentence: I feel so drab in this grey uniform.
Reparation (हानिपूर्ति) [NOUN]
Synonyms: Reparing, Refit
Antonyms: Extortion
Sentence: The company paid reparations to the victims of the explosion.
Get to the bottom of (तेज करना) [Phrase]
Synonyms: Orgin, Source
Antonyms: Termination
Sentence: Investigators are trying to get to the bottom of what went wrong.
Grievance (शिकायत) [NOUN]
Synonyms: Complaint, ieremaid
Antonyms: Peace
Sentence: A special committee investigates prisoners’ grievances.
Federal (संघीय) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Federative, Unified
Antonyms: Private, Local
Sentence: The federal government.
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