Vocabulary of August 2nd Week

Preparation for important Vocabulary words of August 2nd week with their synonyms and antonyms words.

August 2nd week Vocabulary word list

EVACUATE (VERB): (ख़ाली करना): remove
Synonyms: clear, move out
Antonyms: hold

DEFER (VERB): (योग्यता स्वीकार करना): yield
Synonyms: submit, give way
Antonyms: stand up to

CONUNDRUM (NOUN): (समस्या): problem
Synonyms: difficult, quandary
Antonyms: solution

Synonyms: exemplary, supreme
Antonyms: imperfect

HURL (VERB): (वेग से फेंकना): throw
Synonyms: toss, fling
Antonyms: catch

MAVERICK (NOUN): (व्यक्तिवादी): individualist
Synonyms: nonconformist, free spirit
Antonyms: conformist

APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): (उचित): inappropriate
Synonyms: pertinent, applicable
Antonyms: appropriate

REBUT (VERB): (खंडन करना): refute
Synonyms: deny, disprove
Antonyms: confirm

CITE (NOUN): (उद्धरण देना): quote
Synonyms: reproduce, mention
Antonyms: conceal

FLAK (NOUN): (आलोचना): criticism
Synonyms: censure, disapproval
Antonyms: approval

INTENDED (ADJECTIVE): (योजनाबद्ध): deliberate
Synonyms: intentional, calculated
Antonyms: accidental

TRIGGER (VERB): (सक्रिय करना): activate
Synonyms: set off, trip
Antonyms: halt

VIVID (ADJECTIVE): (उज्ज्वल): graphic
Synonyms: evocative, realistic
Antonyms: vague

ENDORSE (VERB): (समर्थन करना): support
Synonyms: back, favour
Antonyms: oppose

ALLEGED (ADJECTIVE): (तथाकथित): supposed
Synonyms: so-called, claimed
Antonyms: unquestionable

COMBAT (NOUN): (भिड़न्त): battle
Synonyms: action, conflict
Antonyms: peace

HECTIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यस्त): frantic
Synonyms: frenetic, frenzied
Antonyms: leisurely

EXCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विशिष्ट): complete
Synonyms: full, entire
Antonyms: partial

STRAIN (NOUN): (तनाव): stress
Synonyms: tension, anxiety
Antonyms: relaxation

TELLTALE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रत्यक्ष करना): revealing
Synonyms: revelatory, suggestive
Antonyms: concealing

INTENDED (ADJECTIVE): (योजनाबद्ध): deliberate
Synonyms: intentional, calculated
Antonyms: accidental

TRIGGER (VERB): (सक्रिय करना): activate
Synonyms: set off, trip
Antonyms: halt

VIVID (ADJECTIVE): (उज्ज्वल): graphic
Synonyms: evocative, realistic
Antonyms: vague

ENDORSE (VERB): (समर्थन करना): support
Synonyms: back, favour
Antonyms: oppose

ALLEGED (ADJECTIVE): (तथाकथित): supposed
Synonyms: so-called, claimed
Antonyms: unquestionable

COMBAT (NOUN): (भिड़न्त): battle
Synonyms: action, conflict
Antonyms: peace

HECTIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यस्त): frantic
Synonyms: frenetic, frenzied
Antonyms: leisurely

EXCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विशिष्ट): complete
Synonyms: full, entire
Antonyms: partial

STRAIN (NOUN): (तनाव): stress
Synonyms: tension, anxiety
Antonyms: relaxation

TELLTALE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रत्यक्ष करना): revealing
Synonyms: revelatory, suggestive
Antonyms: concealing

DISCERNIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (नमूदार): visible
Synonyms: detectable, perceptible
Antonyms: imperceptible

PENURY (NOUN): (दरिद्रता): impoverishment
Synonyms: indigence, need
Antonyms: wealth

JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकसम्मत): wise
Synonyms: sensible, prudent
Antonyms: injudicious

PALLIATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (पीड़ा हटानेवाला): soothing
Synonyms: alleviating, sedative
Antonyms: intensifying

RESILIENT (ADJECTIVE): (स्थिति-स्थापक): strong
Synonyms: tough, hardy
Antonyms: vulnerable

STIMULATE (VERB): (उकसाना): encourage
Synonyms: prompt, prod
Antonyms: discourage

BOOST (VERB): (बढ़ाना): improve
Synonyms: raise, uplift
Antonyms: decrease

CIRCUMSPECT (ADJECTIVE): (एहतियाती): cautious
Synonyms: wary, careful
Antonyms: ungaurded

BREACH (NOUN): (उल्लंघन): contravention
Synonyms: violation, breaking
Antonyms: agreement

RENOWNED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रसिद्ध): famous
Synonyms: celebrated, famed
Antonyms: unknown

DISCLOSURE (NOUN): (प्रकटीकरण): revelation
Synonyms: divulgence, declaration
Antonyms: concealment

BAR (VERB): (वर्जित): prohibit
Synonyms: debar, preclude
Antonyms: admit, accept

SANCTIFY (VERB): (शुद्ध करना): consecrate
Synonyms: bless, ordain
Antonyms: deconsecrate

FURNISH (VERB): (प्रस्तुत): supply
Synonyms: equip, provide
Antonyms: divest

INCONSPICUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अगोचर): unnoticeable
Synonyms: unobtrusive, unremarkable
Antonyms: conspicuous, noticeable

ADHERE (VERB): (पालन ​​करना): abide by
Synonyms: stick to, hold to
Antonyms: flout, ignore

CONTEND (VERB): (संघर्ष करना): face
Synonyms: cope with, grapple with
Antonyms: surrender, allow

VINDICATE (VERB): (साबित कर देना): justify
Synonyms: warrant, substantiate
Antonyms: disprove

STAMPEDE (NOUN): (भगदड़): panic
Synonyms: rush, flight
Antonyms: retreat, standing

DISCOURSE (NOUN): (बातचीत): discussion
Synonyms: conversation, talk
Antonyms: silence

COMMERCIAL (ADJECTIVE): (लाभ के उदेश्यवाला): lucrative
Synonyms: moneymaking, with
Antonyms: loss-making

SUBVERT (VERB): (व्यवस्था भंग करना): destabilize
Synonyms: unsettle, overthrow
Antonyms: keep

PRECAUTIONARY (ADJECTIVE): (निवारक): preventative
Synonyms: preventive, safety
Antonyms: indifferent

URGE (VERB): (अनुरोध करना): encourage
Synonyms: enjoin, adjure
Antonyms: discourage

GROUNDBREAKING (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): innovative
Synonyms: pioneering, advanced
Antonyms: conservative

BLEND (VERB): (मिश्रित करना): mix
Synonyms: mingle, combine
Antonyms: clash

CONSOLIDATE (VERB): (मजबूत करना): strengthen
Synonyms: secure, stabilize
Antonyms: weaken

ADORABLE (ADJECTIVE): (प्यारा): lovable
Synonyms: appealing, charming
Antonyms: hateful

HUMANITARIAN (ADJECTIVE): (मानवीय): compassionate
Synonyms: humane, unselfish
Antonyms: selfish

TUSSLE (NOUN): (संघर्ष): scuffle
Synonyms: fight. struggle
Antonyms: accord

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