World Poetry Day : Definition, History & Significance

World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21st March every year to take care of linguistic diversity through poetic expression and safeguard the endangered languages. In the year 1999, UNESCO declared to celebrate this day to promote the reading, publishing, writing, and teaching of poetry all over the world.

What is the History of World Poetry Day?

It was originally celebrated in October in the memory of Roman epic poet Virgil. Virgil was the poet laureate under Augustus. UNESCO, in its 30th session, decided to proclaim 21st March as World Poetry Day. The ritual to celebrate World Poetry Day in October is still prevalent. The United Kingdom still celebrates its World Poetry Day on the first Thursday in October.

What is the significance of World Poetry Day?

The celebration of World Poetry Day is to revive the oral tradition of poetry recitals, boost the teaching of poetry, and make efforts to restore the balance between poetry and other forms of art such as theatre, dance, music, and painting. World Poetry Day also wanted to support the small publishers and makeover the image of poetry. Poetry should not be seen as an outdated form of art and become a part of modern society.

How do we celebrate World Poetry Day?

World Poetry Day is celebrated in most countries of the globe in readings and ceremonies honoring the poets of high achievements and teaching the art of poetry to aspiring poets. UNESCO has taken many initiatives to preserve the tradition of poetry all over the globe.

  1. World Book Capital: UNESCO designates certain cities as World Book Capital and carries out activities to encourage the culture of reading poetry and disseminating its value in all ages and population groups in the city.
  2. UNESCO Creative Cities Network: In 2004, UNESCO created a network of 246 cities known as centers for culture and creative work. UNESCO has used this network to recognize the unique ability of poetry. UNESCO honors the local poets, promotes reading, writing, and teaching poetry, and increases awareness about poetry for sustainable and inclusive societies.

Other notable celebrations taking around the world are as follows:

  • National Poetry Month is celebrated in April in the United States of America and Canada. League of Canadian Poets sponsors many poetry promotion activities in Canada.
  • UNESCO has dedicated 2021 in memory of the 100th anniversary of Blaze Koneski, a great Macedonian poet.
  • Struga Poetry Evenings announce the winner of the Golden Wreath Award every year.

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