Zero Discrimination Day : Definition, History & How do we Celebrate

The United Nations commemorated the Zero Discrimination Day to be celebrated on 1st March every year. The event promotes everyone’s right to have a respectful life, irrespective of gender, religion, sexuality, nationality, race, illness, or even disability.

What is the History of Zero Discrimination Day?

Zero Discrimination Day was first celebrated in 2014 by UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe in a significant event organized in Beijing. The observance was to prevent discrimination from happening to the people infected with HIV/AIDS. More groups such as LGBTI Community and the Armenian Genocide affected joined hands to speak out against laws discriminating.

 How is Zero Discrimination Day celebrated across the World?

 Inequality regarding income, age, sex, health status, race, class, ethnicity, and others is growing all around the World and has covered up at least 70% of the Global Population. The Butterfly symbolizes Zero Discrimination Day. This symbol is to share stories and work towards positive transformation.

  • In the year 2019, it laid focus on changing discriminatory laws & practices that prohibit people from accessing health and other life-saving services.
  • In 2020, it promoted empowerment for women in all diversity.
  • This year the United Nations has declared the theme as “End Inequalities.”

Confronting Inequalities and bringing an end to all kinds of discrimination is the primary focus of setting up the Zero Discrimination Day. Problems relating to discrimination happening to people infected with HIV/AIDS and the LGBTI community have gained importance over the years because of Zero Discrimination day. Zero Discrimination Day invites everyone to raise awareness against inequalities and help people across groups to live dignified life.

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