Gksection Team published here General English Quizzes for IBPS RRB, Bank, SBI PO, Clerk Prelims Exams 2021 of 18th June 2021
All Questions Answer are Below
General English Quiz for IBPS RRB, Bank, SBI PO, Clerk Exams 2021 | 18th June
Q 1. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 2. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 3. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 4. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 5. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 6. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 7. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 8. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 9. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
Q 10. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Answer 1: “Cease” is the antonyms and It means come or bring to an end
- Answer 2: “Asseverate” is the antonyms and It means declare or state solemnly or emphatically.
- Answer 3: “Moral” is the antonyms and It means holding or manifesting high principles for proper conduct.
- Answer 4: “Ordinary” is a Adjective
- Answer 5: “Artless” is the antonyms and It means without guile or deception.
- Answer 6: “Predecessor” is the antonyms and It means a thing that has been followed or replaced by another.
- Answer 7: “Retain” is the antonyms and It means absorb and continue to hold.
- Answer 8: “un-accountability”
- Answer 9: “Certainty” is the antonyms and It means the quality of being reliably true.
- Answer 10: “Follow” is the antonyms and It means come after in time or order.
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