SET 6 – Blood Relation Reasoning Questions and Answers

SET 6 – Blood Relation Reasoning Quiz for Every Competitive Exams GKSection Team published here most important Blood Relation Questions and Answers in english for Every competitive exams like SBI, RRB, Railway, Police, Clerk, Bank IBPS and more. These questions and answers will be helpful for crack all competitive exams.

SET 6 – Blood Relation Reasoning Questions and Answers (Quiz) for Competitive Exams

Q1. Pointing towards a photograph, Ram said, “She is the mother of my brother’s son’s wife’s sister”. How is the lady in the photograph related to Ram’s brother?
A. Sister
B. Daughter-in-law
C. Daughter
D. None of these
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: D – The lady in the photograph is mother-in-law of Ram’s brother’s son.[/su_spoiler]

Q2. If A is brother of B. C is father of D. E is mother of B. A and D are brothers. Then, what is the relationship between E and C?
A. Sister
B. Sister-in-law
C. Niece
D. Wife
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: D – E is the wife of C.[/su_spoiler]

Q3. Pointing to a lady in a photograph, a lady tells Pramod, “I am the only daughter of this lady and her son is you maternal uncle.” How is the lady related to Pramod’s father?
A. Sister-in-law
B. Wife
C. Either (a) or (b)
D. None of the above
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B – Lady is the wife of Pramod’s father.[/su_spoiler]

Q4. Let A and B are sister. C is brother of A. D is brother of E. If E is daughter of B, then who is aunt of D?
A. E
B. C
C. A
D. B
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – A is the aunt of D.[/su_spoiler]

Q5. K is brother of X. Z is son of X. P who is daughter of K is married to N. G and X are sisters to each other. What is the relation between G and Z?
A. Sister
B. Aunt
C. Mother
D. Mother-in-law
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B – G is the aunt of Z.[/su_spoiler]

Q6. A man said to a lady, “You mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt”. How is lady related to man?
A. Daughter
B. Granddaughter
C. Mother
D. Sister
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: D – Lady is the sister of man.[/su_spoiler]

Q7. C is the mother of A and B. If D is husband of B, then what is C to D?
A. Mother
B. Aunt
C. Mother-in-law
D. Sister
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – the C is mother-in-law of D.[/su_spoiler]

Q8. Given tha,
I. A is the brother of B
II. C is the father of A.
III. D is the brother of E.
IV. E is the daughter of B.
Then, the uncle of D is
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. E
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: A – From the statements III and IV.[/su_spoiler]
B is either mother of father of D. Hence, B’s brother will be uncle of D. Hence, by Statements I, A is the uncle of D.

Q9. Pointing to photo of a girl, Rohit said, “She does not have any sister of daughter but her mother is the only daughter of my mother.” What is the relation between the girl and Rohit?
A. Daughter
B. Sister
C. Niece
D. Daughter-in-law
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – Girl is the niece of Rohit.[/su_spoiler]

Q10. T, S and R are three brother. T’s sone Q is married to K and they have one child Rahul blessed to them. M the son of S is married to H and this couple is blessed with daughter Madhvi R has a daughter N who is married to P. This couple has one daughter Karuna born to them. Ho is Madhvi related to S?
A. Daughter
B. Niece
C. Granddaughter
D. None of these
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – Madhvi is the granddaughter of S.[/su_spoiler]

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