Gksection Team published here Some Synonyms and Antonyms Questions and Answers for upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway and more competitive Exams. These questions will helpful for crack the exam.
SET 10 – Synonyms and Antonyms Questions and Answers – Gksection English
Q 1. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Enable
- Allow
- Permit
- Disable
Answer 1: “Disable” is the antonyms and It means prevent or discourage from doing something.
Q 2. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Explode
- Detonate
- Blow up
- Disarm
Answer 2: “Disarm” is the antonyms and It means allay the hostility or suspicions of.
Q 3. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Catch up
- Reach
- Pick up
- Extricate
Answer 3: “Extricate” is the antonyms and It means free from a constraint or difficulty.
Q 4. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Combat
- Peace
- Fighting
- Warfare
Answer 4: “Peace” is the antonyms and It means freedom from disturbance; tranquillity.
Q 5. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Impede
- Self-determining
- Independent
- Autonomous
Answer 5: ” Impede” is the antonyms delay or prevent by obstructing them.
Q 6. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Contradict
- Denote
- Indicate
- Point to
Answer 6: “Contradict” is the antonyms and It means assert the opposite of a statement made by (someone).
Q 7. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Former
- Successive
- Ensuing
- Subsequent
Answer 7: “Former” is the antonyms and It means having previously been a particular thing.
Q 8. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Appointment
- Fatality
- Victim
- Casualty
Answer 8: “Appointment” is the antonyms and It means an act of assigning a job or position to someone.
Q 9. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Confusion
- Aproach
- Method
- Mode
Answer 10: “Confusion” is the antonyms and It means uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required.
Q 10. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Give in to
- Fight
- Resist
- Conventional
Answer 10: “Give in to” is the antonyms and It means accept that you have been defeated and stop arguing or fighting.
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