Daily Current Affairs Quiz on 9th February 2021 for Competitive Exams
GS Team published here 9 February 2021 Current Affairs Quiz. These will be helpful for the upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, Clerk, PO exams. These current affairs make daily analysis and related india, World, Technology, and all govt news. If you have a question about, please reach out to us through a comments.
9th February – GK Quiz for SSC and Bank Exams
According to the Center Tower report, which country’s top-30 mobile games have earned $ 9.24 billion worldwide last year?
[su_spoiler title = “Correct Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: China – According to a recent Center Tower report, China’s top-30 mobile games generated $ 9.24 billion worldwide last year. Has earned Which has topped PUBG with earnings of $ 1.06 billion (7 thousand crores).[/su_spoiler]
Recently, who has imposed a fine of Rs 40 lakhs on its 6 directors and employees including Shri Ram Real Estate and Business Solutions?
[su_spoiler title = “Correct Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: SEBI – Recently stock market regulator SEBI has given Rs 40 lakhs on its 6 directors and employees including Shri Ram Real Estate & Business Solutions. Is fined. This penalty has been imposed in case of running the Collective Investment Scheme (CIS).[/su_spoiler]
Which of the following group has recently bought a 23.5% stake in Mumbai International Airport Limited?
[su_spoiler title = “Correct Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Adani Group – Adani Group has recently bought a 23.5% stake in Mumbai International Airport Limited. Adani Airport Holdings Limited, the holding company of Adani Group, has bought 28.20 crore shares of Mumbai Airport worth Rs 10.[/su_spoiler]
Which country has recently introduced a new visa for Hong Kong residents to reside in their country and grant citizenship?
[su_spoiler title = “Correct Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Britain – Britain has recently given the residents of Hong Kong after China imposed the National Security Law on Hong Kong. Has introduced a new visa to reside in his country and grant citizenship.[/su_spoiler]
New Zealand all-rounder Bruce Taylor recently passed away at how old?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: 77 years – New Zealand all-rounder Bruce Taylor has recently passed away at the age of 77. He played a total of 32 matches for New Zealand. In this, he played 30 Test matches while played two ODIs. He scored 999 runs for his team in Tests while in bowling he has taken 111 wickets at an average of 26.60.[/su_spoiler]
Which country has recently introduced a new visa for Hong Kong residents to reside in their country and grant citizenship?
[su_spoiler title = “SHOW Answer” style = “fancy”]Answer: Britain – Britain has recently given the residents of Hong Kong after China imposed the National Security Law on Hong Kong. Has introduced a new visa to reside in his country and grant citizenship.[/su_spoiler]
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