Direction Reasoning Questions and Answers

Direction Reasoning Quiz for Every Competitive Exams GS Team published here most important Direction Reasoning Questions and Answers in english for Every competitive exams like SBI, RRB, Railway, Police, Clerk, Bank IBPS and more. These questions and answers will be helpful for crack all competitive exams.

Direction Reasoning Questions and Answers (Quiz) for Competitive Exams

Q1. A man is facing West He turns 45O in the clockwise direction and then another 180O in the same direction and then 270O in the anti-clockwise direction. Which direction is the facing now?
A. South
B. North-West
C. West
D. South-West
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answers: D – He is facing in the OS direction, which is South-West[/su_spoiler]

Q2. A direction pole was situated on the road crossing. Due to an accident, the pole turned in such a manner that the pointer which was showing East, started showing South. Sita, a traveller went to the wrong direction thinking it to be West, In what direction actually she was traveling?
A. North
B. West
C. East
D. South
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: A – North[/su_spoiler]

Q3. A and B start walking in opposite directions. A covers 2 km and B covers 4 km. Then, A turns right and walks 4 km while B turns left and walks 3 km. How far is each from the starting point?
A. 10 km
B. 8 km
C. 5 km
D. 4 km
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: C – 5 km[/su_spoiler]

Q4. A man walks 6 km south, turns left and walks 4 km, again turns left and walks 5 km. Which direction is he facing now?
A. South
B. North
C. East
D. West
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B – B and C, he reaches D. Clearly, he is now facing North.[/su_spoiler]

Q5. Ram cycled 10 km Southward from his home, turned right and cycled 6 km, turned right cycled 10 km, turned left and cycled 15 km. How many kilometers will he have cycled to reach straight home?
A. 10 km
B. 21 km
C. 16 km
D. 20 km
[su_spoiler title=”Show Answer” style=”fancy”]Answer: B -21 km[/su_spoiler]

Question 1. Sunidhi is 6 km from a point (her home). M She comes to the south, she turns to the right and turns 6 km. M Let’s go to the right and then turn 2 km. M .., then Dai and turned 2 km. M Sets the distance. Then she turned left and turned 7 km. M Sets the distance. How many kilometers away is he from his house.
A. 5 km NW
B. 5 km NE
C. 3 km NW
D. 3 km NE
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 5 km NW[/su_spoiler]

Question 2. Two buses stand at a distance of 100 meters on a main road and run in the opposite direction. First bus ‘X’ 25 km Walk and turn right and turn 15 km Let’s set the distance, once again turn left and go and go for the main road. On the other side the bus is 40 km on the main road. Let’s go, what is the difference between the two?
A. 30 km
B. 35 km
C. 40 km
D. 45 km
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: 40 km[/su_spoiler]

Question 3. A clock has a time of 5.30. If the minute needle moves to the east, in which direction will the hour needle move?
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: NE[/su_spoiler]

Question 4. After one morning sunrise, Richel stands facing a ‘pole’. The shadow of the pole is falling to its right. Which direction is Richel facing?
A. Answer
B. South
C. East
D. West
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: South[/su_spoiler]

Question 5. A person stands facing north-east. He turns 90 in the direction of the clock needle, then 135 turns in the opposite direction of the clock needle. Now in which direction are they facing?
A. North-East
B. East
C. West
D. South-East
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: West[/su_spoiler]

Question 6. If east and north-west are called, what is north-east then south?
A. Southwest
B. East
C. West
C. South-East
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: South-West[/su_spoiler]

Question 7. A person is doing yoga, his head is down and his legs are up, his face is east and then his left hand will be someone else?
A. East
B. West
C. South
D. Answer
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Answer[/su_spoiler]

Question 8. 4 men are standing at the four corners of a square of a square, B starts to cross the field diagonally and after halfway, he turns to the right and turns and after walking some distance he turns to the left | In which direction is B facing?
A. North-East
B. North-West
C. South-East
D. Southwest
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: Southwest[/su_spoiler]

Question 9. At 6.30 am, Shilpa starts walking with the back of the sun. After some time, she turns to the right and turns, then first she turns to the right and then to the left. Now in which direction are she moving?
A. East
B. West
C. South
D. Answer
[su_spoiler title = “Show Answer” style = “fancy”] Answer: South[/su_spoiler]

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