Examination Stress is a very nerve-racking factor for most of the students and this can affect the results and scores of the students in varying ways. To manage the stress level it is important to eliminate the risk of such anxiety, exhaustion and burnout. For some students the word examination creates panic. They feel nervous and helpless and accordingly their body responses with palpitation and sweaty palms syndromes, but for some, it is like sailing boats in gentle breeze, smooth and easy.
CPI to Percentage -The cumulative performance index (CPI) is a measure of the conformance of the actual work completed and is calculated using credit of all the subjects and Grade Achieved by students in subject.
Following are some of the formulas or tricks which can be applied to help you somehow dissipate the stress level to get through the examination session :
To get out from the trauma of painstaking examination it is advisable to take a break from the study and go out for a lunch or dinner with your friends. You can go for a movie or any theatre for a performance or a gig to change your mood and to thwart your nervousness and to have a peace in your mind. This will make you refreshed and relaxed and better prepare for the next course of action.
Sometimes participating in others’ activities and celebrations helps you a lot to disperse the tensions and apprehensions in your mind. You can speak out to them about your concerns and helplessness and edginess you have been feeling relating to your examinations. I think someone from them definitely come forward to guide you to overcome the situation that you are in and may be that help can feel you relaxed and composed. You can also speak up to your family members or local friends who in turn can help you to foil the chances of being worried state of mind.
Don’t compare with others about your own preparations for the examinations. Because this will somehow make you more perplexed and worried about your present position of studies and its preparedness and help increase your already disturbed state of mind. May be that your preparation is better than others to whom you are talking to. Discussions on examinations at this stage with others won’t help rather you would sum up with others’ problems in your already over burdened shoulder, which is not at all advisable. Therefore, it is better not to go for any comparison relating to your preparation for the examinations.
Exercise at this stage would help you immensely. Do some outdoor exercise like running or walking, or swimming even for a briefer period. This would keep you healthy simultaneously frustrate your negative thoughts that overcomes your positivity, tranquility and serenity.
Watching a film and a TV show or even a comedy serial with your friends or family members can sometimes help you regain your confidence level.
Having some hot drinks like tea or coffee or even hot chocolates can help you dispel your fear psychosis relating to examinations. Because it is believed that hot drinks can soothe the tension level and help pacify the anxiety chapter that hammers your brain.
Having a good or sound sleep can always help you overcome the anxiety and instead makes you calm and composed. This can at the same time increase your retaining capacity which means whatever you have read or revised, can be remembered or recollected during the examination. It is, therefore, termed as a panacea for the students.
Cooking sometimes helps a lot. It takes away the agony and conscientious anxiety with its flavour and delicacies and leaving behind the virtues of food and healthiness. So, try some mouthwatering dishes, of course if you can, to freshen up your thoughts and positive vibes.
Avoiding the companions of the forgetful and frustrated people can help you at least not to increase your level of anguish. Because these people always try to frustrate you and add burden to your way of thinking process by their frantic way of remembering everything and doing nothing.
And lastly, don’t try to inquest your examination. Because you know you have done your best and can’t change your answer any more. So, relax and wait and prepare for the next examination.
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