International Day of Nowruz : Definition, History & Significance

International Day of Nowruz is celebrated on 21st March every year. Nowruz signifies the “new day” and it marks the beginning of spring and is celebrated by 300 million people all around the world. This is also known as the Iranian New Year or Persian New Year.

What is the history of International Day of Nowruz?

International Day of Nowruz was proclaimed in United Nations General Assembly in the year 2010. It was done basis the initiative of several countries that shared this holiday. United Nations agenda of “Culture of Peace” allowed various member states to draft a resolution for International Day of Nowruz.

Nowruz is celebrated on astronomical vernal equinox which marks the first day of spring season. Nowruz promotes solidarity between generation & values of peace in between families and other communities.

What is the significance of International Day of Nowruz?

Nowruz is a festival which helps in strengthening ties in between people based on mutual respect and the ideals of peace and good neighborliness. The traditions and rituals of Nowruz reflect the customs on ancient civilizations of East and West. Nowruz is a common festival to many countries such as Afghanistan, India, Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Republic of Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and others.

How do we celebrate the International Day of Nowruz?

There are different ways to celebrate the International Day of Nowruz all over the globe.

  1. Playing cultural music, wearing cultural colorful dresses, and presenting exhibition of cultural paintings.

2. Some people in different countries dance in their cultural dresses to show allegiance to the ancient culture.

3. Another important ritual is preparing traditional food. Iranian/Parsis prepare the Haft Sin table. Food items like Serekh (vinegar) and Sir (garlic) are included to have protection against evil and have patience and longevity.

4. Some people on this day “Jump Over Fire” to show courage, liveliness and passion. Chahar Shanbe Suri or Red Wednesday is to lit up bonfires before Nowruz. This shows a symbol of cultivation, light, good health and purity.

International Day of Nowruz gives a message that emergence of globally diverse culture is the essence of this century. United Nations is committed to create a globally diverse culture where in all the cultures are given their due respect.

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