National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is observed on 11 January. The day brings to our attention the crimes that are detrimental to human life, society, families, and the institutions around the world. Human Trafficking is the second-largest criminal activity.
With the Presidential proclamation, beginning in 2010, the month of January is designated as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
Human Trafficking is aptly regarded as the modern form of slavery. This illegal and criminal act consists of the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain labor or sex. Most of the traffickers employ violence, manipulation, or false promises to lure their victims into trafficking situations. The victims of trafficking experience physical, as well as psychological abuses. Sexual abuses, deprivation of food and sleep, threats to family members, and also isolation from the outside world, are some of the things that they endure. At many times, the family members of the victims are threatened.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day seeks to bring greater awareness to the crime of sex trafficking, which is the most common crime.
A Campaign against a modern form of slavery
Human trafficking is not subject to one nation alone, it is a global problem. This is regarded as one of the most dehumanizing crimes, affecting millions of people, and robbing them of their dignity.
This international campaign against the modern form of slavery is also globally known as the “Blue Heart Campaign.” It is against all forms of human trafficking and works to raise awareness on the appalling conditions of the victims and to organize political support to fight the criminals behind the trafficking.
What is the Blue Heart Campaign?
The Blue Heart Campaign, which is adopted by several countries all over the world, aims to encourage involvement and inspire action to combat human trafficking.
Following are the objectives of the Blue Heart Campaign:
- A lifelong raising-awareness initiative to fight against human trafficking and its bad impact on society.
- The Blue Heart Campaign seeks to inspire involvement and employ result-based action to help stop this crime.
- The Campaign also enables people to demonstrate solidarity with the victims of human trafficking by wearing the Blue Heart symbol.
The Blue Heart Campaign engages to instill awareness on the condition of the victims and to organize political support to combat the criminals operating behind trafficking.
This campaign represents the gloom side or rather the sadness of those who are trafficked, at the same time reminding us of the cold-heartedness of those who buy and sell fellow human beings.
What is the color for Human trafficking awareness or the Blue Heart Campaign?
Blue. The use of the blue color by the UN shows the United Nations’ commitment to combating the crime against human dignity. The blue color ribbon is worn, like the red ribbon, to raise awareness of human trafficking, and be part of the campaign to fight against this heinous crime. The blue color is an international symbol to fight against human trafficking.
How can I participate in Human Trafficking Awareness Day?
United Nation releases the theme of the day annually and exhorts the collaborators to work together to create awareness against this crime against human dignity. However, in your little ways, you can spread awareness. Here is what you can do to participate:
- Write or call the policymakers and let them know that you support what combats Human Trafficking
- Actively support what improves awareness in your local community, schools, and neighborhood
- If you suspect any instances of human trafficking, contact the helpline number of your locality and let them know about it.
- Insist young people leave places that look unsafe or suspicious
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