
Olympics games were started in 776 BC on Mount Olympia in the honour of Greek God, ‘Zeus’. The modern Olympic Games were started in Athens, the capital of Greece on 6th April, 1896 with great efforts made by French nobleman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

The Olympic Games are organized after every 4 years. The Olympics Flagis made up of white silk and contains five interwined rings as the Olympic Emblem.

The five interlaced rings are arranged 3-2 pattern on a white background, with the blue ring to the extreme left, followed by yellow, balck, green and red, in the same order, Blue for Europe, Black for Africa, Red for Americas (North and South America). Yellow for Aisa and Green for Oceania (Australia and New Zealand)

The Official Olympic Motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius, a Latin phrase meaning Swifter, Higher, and Stronger. 2020 summer Olympic will be held in Tokyo, Japan.

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