SET 8 – Synonyms and Antonyms Questions and Answers

Gksection Team published here Some Synonyms and Antonyms Questions and Answers for upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway and more competitive Exams. These questions will helpful for crack the exam.

SET 8 – Synonyms and Antonyms Questions and Answers – Gksection English

Q 1. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Enhanced
  • intensified
  • Increased
  • Diminish

Answer 1: “Diminish” is the antonyms and It means to become or to make something smaller or less important

Q 2. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Foresee
  • Anticiapte
  • Neglect
  • Predict

Answer 2: “Neglect” is the antonyms and It means fail to care for properly.

Q 3. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Fashion
  • Style
  • Manner
  • Egress

Answer 3: “Egress” is the antonyms and It means the action of going out of or leaving a place.

Q 4. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Patronage
  • Protection
  • Competition
  • Opposition

Answer 4: “Opposition” is the antonyms and It means resistance or dissent

Q 5. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Require
  • Inessential
  • Demand
  • Call for

Answer 5: “Inessential” is the antonyms and It means not absolutely necessary.

Q 6. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Harmless
  • Illegal
  • Harmful
  • Perpetrator

Answer 6: “Harmless” is the antonyms and It means not able or likely to cause harm.

Q 7. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Assist
  • Humble
  • Foster
  • Patronise

Answer 7: “Humble” is the antonyms and It means having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.

Q 8. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Improbably
  • Allegedly
  • Apparently
  • Reportedly

Answer 8: “Improbably” is the antonyms and It means in an unexpected or unlikely manner.

Q 9. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Horizontal
  • Plumb
  • Hierarchically
  • Vertically

Answer 9: “Horizontal” is the antonyms and It means being at or involving the same level of a hierarchy.

Q 10. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?

  • Leisurely
  • Rapid
  • Fast
  • Exponential

Answer 10: “Leisurely” is the antonyms and It means without hurry.

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