Gksection Team published here Some Synonyms and Antonyms Questions and Answers for upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway and more competitive Exams. These questions will helpful for crack the exam.
SET 8 – Synonyms and Antonyms Questions and Answers – Gksection English
Q 1. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Enhanced
- intensified
- Increased
- Diminish
Answer 1: “Diminish” is the antonyms and It means to become or to make something smaller or less important
Q 2. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Foresee
- Anticiapte
- Neglect
- Predict
Answer 2: “Neglect” is the antonyms and It means fail to care for properly.
Q 3. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Fashion
- Style
- Manner
- Egress
Answer 3: “Egress” is the antonyms and It means the action of going out of or leaving a place.
Q 4. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Patronage
- Protection
- Competition
- Opposition
Answer 4: “Opposition” is the antonyms and It means resistance or dissent
Q 5. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Require
- Inessential
- Demand
- Call for
Answer 5: “Inessential” is the antonyms and It means not absolutely necessary.
Q 6. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Harmless
- Illegal
- Harmful
- Perpetrator
Answer 6: “Harmless” is the antonyms and It means not able or likely to cause harm.
Q 7. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Assist
- Humble
- Foster
- Patronise
Answer 7: “Humble” is the antonyms and It means having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.
Q 8. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Improbably
- Allegedly
- Apparently
- Reportedly
Answer 8: “Improbably” is the antonyms and It means in an unexpected or unlikely manner.
Q 9. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Horizontal
- Plumb
- Hierarchically
- Vertically
Answer 9: “Horizontal” is the antonyms and It means being at or involving the same level of a hierarchy.
Q 10. In this questions four Words are given in which three are similar and one word is the antonym. Choose the word, opposite in meaning to the other three as your answer?
- Leisurely
- Rapid
- Fast
- Exponential
Answer 10: “Leisurely” is the antonyms and It means without hurry.
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