For each task consisting of multiple organ systems, such as the digestive system for the digestion of food (Digestive system), respiratory tract etc. for respiration.
Body parts according to their actions in some major systems were divided as follows is-
Digestive tract (Digestive system) – The home of the digestive tract, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, small intestine, large intestine consists of. The action occurs in the digestive system to digest food. We mainly protein in the diet, Carbohydrate and fat intake. These digestive enzymes and acids in the digestive tract is by appearance.
Respiratory tract (respiratory system) – NASA cavity in the respiratory tract, throat, trachea, bronchus, lung come. Reaches every part of the body through breath oxygen and carbon dioxide exits. Helps the blood in the respiratory tract. Veins and artery carries impure blood delivers pure blood in various organs.
Emission mechanism (Excretory system) – Emission mechanism rectum, lung, liver, skin and kidney occur. Ï substance resulting in physical activity and diet without excellent part digested by emission mechanisms are stepping out of the body. The calculus that exists in the human body, usually made of calcium Okslet. Pleural are the harmful gases. Water and salts from the sweat glands of the skin is immersed in water. Urine is produced in the kidney.
Circulation (Circulatory System) – In different parts of the body by blood circulation system of the exchange. Blood circulation in the cardiovascular system, Rktwahinian tubes (Blooad vessels), artery (Artery), veins (veins), Keshikaaa (cappilaries) etc. are included. Is the purification of blood to the heart. Transmission of blood from the heart is beating. William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood in the year was 628. Dkdnh a normal person is 72 times per minute in heart.
Endocrine system (Endorcine system) – Ductless glands present in different parts of the body, the endocrine system call. These hormones are formed and the chemical reactions of the body is controlled by these hormones. Example Thyroid (thyroid gland), pancreas (Pancreas), pituitary gland (Pituitory Gland), adrenal (Adrenal gland) and others. The pituitary gland called the master gland. The parathyroid gland controls other glands except.
Skeletal system (Skeletal System) – The human body is made up of a total of 206 Hddi ï s. Ï quantify skeletal structure made from Hddi call system. Ï Hddi treaties or have connections with each other. The cranial cavity head to Hddi says.
Lymphatic system (Lymphatic System) – Follicle eliminating toxic and harmful substances ï slows and prevents from getting pure blood. The lymphatic system is a network of small, thin vessels. Toxic and harmful Pdarrthon lymphocytes destroys glands and prevents you from getting pure blood.
Dermal system (Cutaneous System) – The body to protect the entire body is covered with skin. Layered outer part of the skin epithelium (Stratified epithelium) consists of the strict levels. Sprshkn external senses to experience consists of nerve.
Muscle system (Muscular System) – Are muscles under the skin. There are over 500 muscles in the human body. These are of two types. The voluntary muscles are compressed at will of man. Involuntary contraction of muscles is not controlled by the will of man.
Nervous system (Nervous System) – The nervous system controls the function of various organs and whole organisms. Muscle contraction, gland secretion, cardiovascular function, metabolism and multiple actions occurring continuously in the organism that controls the nervous system. The brain, spinal cord and nerves come.
Reproduction mechanism in all organisms produce offspring to have the property as his own. Male and female reproductive system consists of different organs.
Specific sensorimotor mechanisms (Special Organ System) – Eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, taste sensation to the tongue and the skin of the senses work. Their relationship remains from the brain.
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