22 June 2021 – The Hindu Vocabulary

As you know, Vocabulary now a part of every competitive exams like, Banking, SSC, Railway, and More. Now a days Vocabulary should be good for solve to Reading comprehension. So, Today 22 June 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary list of more than 20 Words. It’s help for crack competitive exams and improve English.

22nd June 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Words with Hindi Meanings

1. Fishy (संदेहजनक) [ADJECTIVE]

Synonyms: Piscine, Suspicious

Antonyms: Truthful, Honesh

Sentence: There is something fishy going on.

2. Ludicrous (ऊटपटांग) [ADJECTIVE]

Synonyms: Absurd, Farcical

Antonyms: Normal, Sensible

Sentence: She looked ludicrous in that Dress!

3. Kudos (प्रशंसा) [NOUN]

Synonyms: Prestige, Glory

Antonyms: Obscurity, Infamy

Sentence: Being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached to it.

4. Worsen (खराब) [Verb]

Synonyms: Aggravate, Exacerbate

Antonyms: Improve, Good

Sentence: The heat is much worse in the daytime.

5. Carry Out (अंजाम देना) [Phrasal Verb]

Synonyms: Perform, Conduct

Antonyms: Break

Sentence: Don’t blame me, I’m only carrying out my orders Instruction.

6. Allegation (आरोप) [NOUN]

Synonyms: Claim, Declaration

Antonyms: Praise, Acquittal

Sentence: The allegations of corruption were not true.

7. Glory (शोभा) [NOUN]

Synonyms: Fame, Prestige

Antonyms: Shame, Obscurity

Sentence: Glory be to God.

8. Pessimistic (निराशावादी) [ADJECTIVE]

Synonyms: Defeatist, Cynical

Antonyms: Hopeful, Cherful

Sentence: The tone of the meeting was very pessimistic.

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