What is the Expected Cutoff for SSC CHSL Tier-1 2018-19?

SSC CHSL 2018-19 application process is expected to start from January 16, 2019. However, the Staff Selection Commission is yet to make an announcement regarding the release of CHSL admit card and CHSL tier-1 exam date. Likewise, candidates are also curious to know about the expected cutoff for the upcoming session. The cut-off for SSC CHSL 2018-19 will be released at the time of declaration of result in the pdf format. Want to know more? Scroll down to explore the expected cut-off for the session 2018-19.

About SSC CHSL Cut Off

The SSC CHSL exam is conducted in a computer-based mode for the recruitment of various posts including Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants, Data Entry Operators, Lower Divisional Clerks, and Court Clerk. The SSC CHSL result includes the list of roll numbers of qualified candidates along with the category-wise cutoff. Only the roll numbers of qualified candidates in tier-1 and tier-2 exam are displayed in the pdf file. The SSC releases the result for both tier-1 and tier-2 on its official website (ssc.nic.in).

SSC CHSL Previous Year Cutoff Tier-1 Exam

The SSC CHSL exam is conducted in three tiers- Tier-1, Tier-2 & Tier-3. The table below shows the SSC CHSL cutoff marks (out of 200) for tier-1 exam of the last four years.

Name of Category Cut off in previous years of the conduct of SSC CHSL Tier-1
2017 2016 2015 2014
Unreserved 143.5 127.5 119 120
SC 122.5 108 99 95
ST 112 99 89.5 86
OBC 139 120 110 108
Ex-Servicemen 83 64.5 45.5 53
Orthopedically Handicapped 111.5 97.5 88 84
Hearing Handicapped 73.5 65 55 53
Visually Handicapped 95.5 96 83.5 82

SSC CHSL Tier-2 Previous Year Cutoff (LDL)

The table below shows the cutoff marks for SSC CHSL tier-2 exam of the year 2017, 2015 & 2014. The cut-off indicates the minimum qualifying marks to be obtained in specified sessions by the Postal Assistant (PA)/ Sorting Assistant (SA)/ Lower Division Clerk/ Court Clerk.

Name of Category (Paper-1 + Paper-2)
Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant/ LDC/ Court Clerk
Cut off in previous years of the conduct of SSC CHSL (2014-15)
(Lower Division Clerk)
2017 2015 2014
Unreserved 160.5 33 105
SC 141 33 100
ST 132 33 88
OBC 153 33 95
Ex-Servicemen 97.5 33 68
Orthopedically Handicapped 130.5 33 78
Hearing Handicapped 98 33 57
Visually Handicapped 129 33 72

SSC CHSL Tier-2 Previous Year Cutoff (DEO)

The data mentioned below indicates previous year cutoff marks that were meant to be obtained by candidates applying for the post of data entry operator.

Name of Category Cut-off Marks
(Paper 1 + 2)
Data Entry Skill Test for DEO in Department other than C & AG
Cut off in previous years of the conduct of SSC CHSL
(Data Entry Operator)
2017 2015 2014
Unreserved 222 65 111
SC 200.5 61 96
ST 195 60 88
OBC 64 103
Ex-Servicemen 177.5 56 74
Orthopedically Handicapped 58 87
Hearing Handicapped 151 58 62
Visually Handicapped 58 74

Expected cutoff in SSC CHSL 2018-19

From the aforementioned information, it is evident that the qualifying marks are increasing year after year for all categories. Basically, the cutoff is dependent on three parameters mentioned below:

  • Number of applications
  • No. of vacancies
  • Level of exam

Thus, the expected cut off for the session 2018-19 will wholly depend on the factors mentioned above. On top of it, one can count on the previous year cutoff to determine the cutoff for the next year.

Importance of determining cutoff marks in SSC CHSL

What is the use of determining the cutoff for the coming session? Did you ever think about it? As soon as the CHSL official answer keys are released, the curious candidates tally the answers from the key and predict their total scores. Once they find out the score, they check out the previous year cutoff in order to know their chances of qualification.

Thus, the expected cutoff plays a very crucial role in helping the candidates predict their scores before the declaration of result. If you are going to appear for the upcoming SSC CHSL exam then you will be able to predict your score using the pointers mentioned in this article.

Don’t forget to download GK Section SSC question paper app from the Play Store. It also provides free notes, topic-wise study material, quizzes, mock test, and all the notification related SSC exams.

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