WORLD RELIGION DAY : Definition, History & Significance

Our Earth has been inhabited by many cultures that started in pre-history times and many religions came into prominence. To this date, you will be surprised to know that over 4,000 recognized religions exist in the world.

World Religion Day is celebrated throughout this world on the third Sunday in the month of January annually. People from all religions come together to observe this day which was originally started in the year 1950 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is in the United States.

Let’s answer the question what is the purpose of celebrating World Religion Day?

This day has been inspired by the Baha’i Religion’s principle of the Oneness of Religion and Progressive Revelation. It highlights the thought that spiritual principles underlying the world’s religions are harmonious and religion assists in unifying humanity.

Earlier the observance was limited to the Baha’i community as they supported the events organized but now more independent communities have joined the celebration every year.

What is the History of World Religion Day?

World Religion Day was first observed in the city of Portland, Maine under the conference “World Peace through World Religion”. Firuz Kazemzadeh conducted this conference in October of 1947 and ensured this spreads to all parts of the World. In 1950 United States standardized the event through the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is.

Sri Lanka in 1985 became the first country to issue the World Religion Day postage stamp followed by the Republic of Congo in the year 2007. Various Authors, educators and philosophers have joined hands to spread awareness in explaining the importance of World Religions and increasing tolerance & understanding between people of all faiths.

How to Observe the Religion Day?

Religion Day is very simple to observe as amongst many religions & belief systems you just need to devote little time and effort to study their faiths. Just acknowledge the similarities that different religions have and speak openly to the people of different religions to have communal harmony. To celebrate the day people should do the following things:

  • Take part in Inter-Religion Service.
  • Gain knowledge about different religious rituals.
  • Meet with people who practice another culture or religion.
  • Study about your own religion and understand its history.
  • Have a discussion with your children on why a particular ritual is followed.
  • Debate with other people the importance of religion in the world.

Let’s discuss what is the significance of celebrating World Religion Day?

Over three-quarters of the world population practice one of the five major religions i.e Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. Christianity has the most followers at 2.4 billion and with 1.6 billion Islam is the second largest. Numerous other religions come from these basic religions.

Religion Day lays emphasis on developing shared tolerance and understanding between people of all faiths, cultures and religions. It not only evolves communal harmony but also helps play a significant role in unifying humanity. Religion is providing shape to a person’s morals, ethics, customs, and his/her behavior.

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